Opening Scene on 2nd Computer?
I have set up a second Daz Mac with all my Daz Studio content, but I can't open a scene file from the older machine on the new machine...there are numerous missing morphs and textures. Ideally, there would be a way to save the project with all assets so that I could move everything to the newer machine. I don't see that function. Is there a workaround?
That sounds like an issue with the content set-up on one or both machines. What exactly are you getting in the error messages?
It provides a long list of content that is unavailable. I "skip" and it lists another and another.
Could you post a few examples - the form of the path may provide a clue as to what is going on.
If you are installing content with the Daz Install Manager, Content Gatherer will find and Zip up all the necessary files froma a scene on one computer and let you unzip and install the files on a second computer. It does not work with content installed by Daz Connect.
If you have already installed all of your content on the second computer, then you must have a configuration error. Have you properly mapped the content libraries in the Content Directory Manager on the second computer?