your opinion is highly appreci…
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your opinion is highly appreciated

Hi everyone
This is my first project in Hexagon 2.5 and Carrara 8 pro, I need your opinion to help me to improving my work and to encourage me to continue.
Please have a look on below youtube link.
Thank you for your time.
I loved it guy! love the water. I cant see where it too an what 18 core to take 12 hours to render it. You may look at turning some stuff OFF for the render such as Shadow compatibility and depth of field and gamma
Also I am pretty sure you are going for a CLEAN almost cartoony Look but if not I would use the the replicator to put in some Clumps on bright grass. You could get some interesting effects with the HAIR molder in that regard.
If your look is to be stylized like it is its great but if you want a more realistic look specially in the shader area you may wish to see what I pulled off with ANYTHINGS GOOS on/in my oil jack rig AND it didnty take long at all to render
Great work! I use HEX almost exclusively as my main modeler its the best
It has a nice cartoony feel to it. Well done. I was especially impressed with your boat rising and falling on the water -- nice attention to detail there.
Looks good :)
Really like the motion in the video.
What kind of lighting are you going for? The sky seems very dark to have such a bright lightsource with hard shadows... Almost like moon light.
And a lil' detail: the watermill seems to be going against the current, sorry i couldn't help it :D
thank you so much guys for the helpful reply's,
I rendered by the following CPU’s
I rendered by the following CPU’s:
two of Core 2 Quad Processor Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
one of i7-820QM @ 1.73GHz
one of Core_i7_3610QM @ 2.3GHz
one of I5-3210M @ 2.5GHz
with no sky light the render finish within one hour, but with sky light enabled, it takes too long , I figure out that I exaggerated in sky light intensity.
however, for the cartoony look :) , I wanted to mix between two worlds, the reality and cartoon to see the combination. it was experimental project, I was planning to move to bigger project.
I really enjoy your comments, thank you again.
I love your movie. The camera movements and clip combining are really well done. I also enjoy the blend between cartoon and more realistic. You could certainly keep that concept together as an experiment gone well! Did you use brianorca's cean plugin for the boat movement? I remember reading a post about the details of an animation using Carrara's Ocean primitive at low resolutions to surface replicate a single boat - which then followed the waves of the ocean. That Ocean was then made invisible and what was rendered was a higher resolution Ocean primitive. Was that you? Or is that what you've done? Anyways, I like it. Not just the movement either. I like your models a lot! I like your cartoon and realism shaders... Very nice job. I'm sure your wife and two angels are proud!
Professor Chaos...
Um... Yeah... very freaking cool! Love the spinal column at the end! Mad at anyone in particular? LOL!!!!
Likewise from what I've mentioned above, I really like your models and shaders. That oil pumper is killer! And Rich Was Here just adds that perfect touch! Very nice camera movement and clip navigation. Sweet!
regarding of the boat, I didn't use any plugin, I used Modifiers / Bounce
and Motion/ Transform.
That was well done! I would agree the skydome could be brighter.
Magma72---- Nice job indeed. I like the look. For me ---since you seem to be going in a cartoony world look with this ...i might add a touch more blue in the water (But that's just me) . The shot you take from the wind mill blades is awesome angle ...well done. Just keep going -----add what you want , have fun. The good thing is you can always delete and add as much as you like --so experiment a lot till you really love it.
And thanks for posting.
Very nice, good variation of camera angles.