Is it possible to merge a scene to an existent camera coordinates?

evilcho_evilcho_ Posts: 79
edited September 2017 in New Users

[Is it possible to merge a scene to an existent camera coordinates?] If anyone knows I'd really appreciate an answer. Thanks.

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Please remember to put the question in the body of the post as well as in the  title.

    If it's a scene subset, not a full scene, try holding down opt/alt as you drag the file in from a content pane, releasing the mouse when the target icon on the floor shows the origin you want to load relative to.

  • evilcho_evilcho_ Posts: 79
    edited September 2017

    Sorry about that. I meant a full scene merge though.


    The only way I found it to be fast to move a merged object is to have a new camera and parent that object to it and manually add the xyz values from the camera where I want it to be moved, but I was hoping there was a better solution than that.

    Post edited by evilcho_ on
  • I just checked, alt/opt-dragging does work to merge even if the file is a scene (which, by default, would repalce the current scene if double-clicked)

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