iPhone camera

Hello. I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, but I cannot seem to find it
I have a picture taken from an iPhone and I would like to recreate it in 3D. I don't understand much about cameras, neither the DAZ camera settings nor the iPhone one. I did find this:
"The iPhone's lens has a (35mm equivalent) focal length of 29mm."
I don't understand exactly what "35mm equivalent" means. I can only guess it means in DAZ, it's the frame width?
I read that the frame width is the sensor size? 36x24mm, and that's why the default value is 36? So I guess that will mean my camera is a 35mm "full frame"?
If yes, then setting the focal lenght in DAZ to 29mm and leaving the frame width at 36mm should give me the same results as the iPhone?
If yes, then I feel like it doesn't look like the photo taken with the iPhone. If not, I have no idea what I'm doing...
Any help would be much appreciated (I apologize if this is the wrong section of the forum)