How to dock a windowpane/tool in the status bar?

Hey all,
Potentially dumb question ahead; you have been warned... ;)
How can you dock a windowpane/tool in the status bar (and have it there permanently as part of a saved workspace if you want, but at least be able to dock it there while using it)? There has to be an easy way to do this, and I can't find it. I'm trying to move the Powerpose icon permanently up there, because right now, I'm going to Windows-- Panes (Tabs) and reopening it every single time I want to use it. This obviously can't be the best way to do it, but I cannot find out how to dock this pane/tool in the status bar. I know I've seen this kind of thing done in other workspaces. Dragging it up there and hoping it will dock isn't working. How should this be done??
Thanks in advance to all the smart people here! :)
Status bar? That's the bit along the bottom (if enabled) which gives messages and may have the button for interactive tutorials. Do you mean tool bar (which would eb a button to open the pane) or do you mean add it to an existing pane group (which you can do by right-clicking in an empty area next to the tabs for already docked panes).
Ack, I went over pics of the different parts of the window until I was SURE the status bar was it, but it's not. It's an existing pane group, so thanks. :) I've used Poser off and on since 2003, but I've never really done anything with Daz. It would really help if all of this information could just be surgically implanted into a biological microchip in our brains, but for now... There will be many questions to follow, I'm sure. ;)