Certain this has been sked: Are there any tutorials on exchanging body parts

I DID look for tutorials but probably didnt look far enough....I am experimenting with exchanging parts whether arm leg foot and so on...Is it possible to add

a prop so to speak and "weld" it to torso....Thank you for any help..


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Not to my knowledge. You'd either have to load two figures, and hide the body parts in question, and the torso of the other. Then move things into place as best as possible, render, and hope to solve the seams problem in Gimp or Photoshop if you can't cover it with something else.

    Or, you take things to a modelling program like Hexagon, Blender, etc... and actively weld things together there, make a geograft or something like that.


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