Sphelling Ehrors in the DAHZ Stohre

It's nothing new.... but I thought I'd start this little thread where folks can post their findings.... with a slight bit of hope that Daz might correct these mistakes. To begin, let's take a look at the "Four Arms for Genesis" item http://www.daz3d.com/shop/four-arms-for-genesis/ . Bottom of the page for "what's included" lists this little gem.

407 x 91 - 13K
Post edited by Chuckdozer on
Looks like a true typo rather than spelling based on key placement. A shame Paul's spell check didn't catch it and we tend to see what we expect to see when we read through stuff.
It's just a big OOPS, lol
With all of the things they are working on, I'm sure they are feeling pressure to get everything done. Hopefully typos will get fixed at some point.
Well, I'm not just talking new stuff.... there's spelling and typographical errors going back for years. If you spot one, please post it here so it may be fixed. I agree it would not be a priority at this point, but let's help all we can by at least making the PTB aware of them.
"but let’s help all we can by at least making the PTB aware of them."
The who?
I admit I am touchier than most because of my spelling disability. But it bothers me a bit that your looking to embarrass so many people who have made spelling mistakes or types. PA's type up their own descriptions and so on. It may seem like your point out DAZ errors but your also pointing out personal mistakes. It might be nicer and more tactful to PM people when you find errors in their descriptions.
Sorry you feel that way. I am looking to embarrass no one, only wanted to help pretty up the store. Thanks for being so rude and trying to make me out to be the bad guy.
PTB = Powers That Be
Perhaps I should ask a mod to nuke this thread instead. I cannot deal with this kind of response.... it only brings out the beast within.
As I said I may be overly touchy. Nor did I try and paint you as a bad guy or attempt to be rude by saying how I feel about pointing out flaws in public. It is doubtful you have ever had that tact used against you but as someone who is LD having a spelling error pointed out as a put down has happened many times.
Never seen Displacement spelled like that! :P
Naaah, it give the site 'character'.
And I'm not terribly good at spelling either.