Hi. I am still a new user and I hit a button or something and cannot get my screen back to normal. Any help to fix this is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Shannon
My viewport is totally gone. I've tried to reset to factory settings. I installed and reinstalled. Nothing..my viewport is still gone. Thanks for any help! Shannon
There's a command to recover "lost" panes - Window>Workspace>Off Screen pane (Tabs) Groups. Try that and see if the pane is still there, but off screen where you can't see it. That command should open a popup with a list of any screens that might have accidentally been moved off screen, but is still active.
There's a command to recover "lost" panes - Window>Workspace>Off Screen pane (Tabs) Groups. Try that and see if the pane is still there, but off screen where you can't see it. That command should open a popup with a list of any screens that might have accidentally been moved off screen, but is still active.