Hi, the lines are in perspective, which is the view you are in. On the little cube upper right, press on Front and it will straighten out the lines, Anything between front, left, right, top or bottom, will have the lines more in a skewed perspective view.
thanks for the reply. i found out what it was. i had had the antialiasing setting activated from the interface section. i did that because someone was suggesting that i turn it off in order for my g3 figures to move faster, not necessarily for rendering but for posing and moving around the screen (unfortunately it didnt work the g3 figures still move slowly----could you possibly help me with this lol----) anyway i turned it back to on and the problem was fixed, the lines are straight again.
Under preferences somewhere (interface?) is an option to turn on hardware acceleration, which is off by default (or used to be anyway, not sure as I havent upgraded to 4.9 yet). Also other sliders to tweak your display performance, but hardware accel made a huge difference for me.
Hi, the lines are in perspective, which is the view you are in. On the little cube upper right, press on Front and it will straighten out the lines, Anything between front, left, right, top or bottom, will have the lines more in a skewed perspective view.
thanks for the reply. i found out what it was. i had had the antialiasing setting activated from the interface section. i did that because someone was suggesting that i turn it off in order for my g3 figures to move faster, not necessarily for rendering but for posing and moving around the screen (unfortunately it didnt work the g3 figures still move slowly----could you possibly help me with this lol----) anyway i turned it back to on and the problem was fixed, the lines are straight again.
Ah, I didn't realize what you actually meant. Glad you figured it out.
Under preferences somewhere (interface?) is an option to turn on hardware acceleration, which is off by default (or used to be anyway, not sure as I havent upgraded to 4.9 yet). Also other sliders to tweak your display performance, but hardware accel made a huge difference for me.