How to rig clothing for use in Daz3d?

in New Users
I've learned how to make clothing in Maya and Blender completely from scratch using youtube tutorials for help. But now i need some help learning how to import those meshes into Daz3d rigging them and giving them the proper controls so that i can make them fit the shape of G3, a named V7 model or any character whos body i custom alter with morph programs. Since i'm still just learning I'm not doing any clothing that is super complicated. Just a shirt, shorts, belt and underwear is what i'm trying to do.
If anybody can direct me to some good youtube tutorials that would be great. The ones i've found so far werent good or skipped over certain steps.
Are you modelling the clothes to fit the base Geensis 3 Female, rather than a posed or morphed shape? If so export as OBJ, import into DS (depending n your settings you may need to experiment to find the right preset as I believe maya offers options on units, the item should line up with the figure without any adjustment), then go to Edit>Figure>Transfer Utility, set Genesis 3 female as the Source, set your OBJ as the Target, and click Accept - that should give a starting point though it's likely that further adjustment will be needed. If you did model around a shape you can use the Source Shape setting to select it (morph and pick the shape used, or Curent if the figure is loaded with the shaping applied) then click the Show Options>>> button and check Reverse Source Shape from Target.
A custom body but it was only for practice on the first step which was to see if i could make the clothes. I figured i would need the base G3 body models as a template. Since i was working on such simple clothing items i was just planning on recreating them once i found good tutorials or instructions on how to rig in Daz. I'll give those steps a try and see how it goes.