Stylized environments,3d assets in Daz studio

Hello. I have seen many stylized 3d characters here at Daz studio. Maybe i missed it, but i dont notice many stylized house, environments, assets in daz shop. My questions are

1) how do stylized environments, assets turn out after rendering in Daz studio?

2)possibility of creating our own 3d stylized assets(example stylized pirate chest etc..(other than character figures) and load it in daz studio

3)is Daz Studio better at 3D realism than stylized fantasy-style like in world of warcraft styles for example. 

Thank you in advance.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    To answer your question,

    1) that fully depends on the surface shaders you apply to them, and if you render Iray or 3DL. 

    for example, check out the very recent

    Also, quite a few environments can be used both for "stylized" and realistic renders, if you change textures and scalings.

    2) sure you can create your own stuff, un a modelling software like Hexagon, Blender, and what others are on the market. Hexagon has a direct bridge to DAZ Studio, for others, save out ad obj, and then import the object into studio.

    3) DAZ Studio can handle both, realism and stylized style. It's not "worse" or "better" at one or the other. The quality of the output all comes down to the skill and imagination of the user.

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