Environmental Lighting

Hi there. I have been using Ghost Lights for my interiors and a Daz default distant light to light from outside. Is there a product that will provide exterior lighting for Iray to speed up my renders instead of the distant light? Also how the heck do you use the evironmental spheres? Are those for Iray use? Are they better than exterior lights? And can exterior lights be used with the dome thingy? Thank you


  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438


    since you are successful lighting your room (I assume) in a natural daylight situation, you can try different methods.

    For that "dome thingy" smiley you could set the environment to sun-sky, instead of a distant light.
    Of cause there are a lot of various products offering interesting cloudy sky HDRIs.

    But in general interior sets (only naturally lighted as you want it) have a lot of diffuse scattered light. It is the nature of iRay that such lighting situation needs way more time to render compared to exterior scenes in the full sunlight, or photostudio-like sets with different spotlights.

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