Quicly disable surfaces

Hello, is there any way to quickly disable some surface ? Let's say i have my legs out of view or under a pants, is there a way to disable the legs shader or i have to go through every texture inside the shader and remove it ?

Thanks for your help.


  • For the legs you may be able to select the bones, then in the Parameters pane click the Visible button - or if you want to hide only one or two bones click the eye icon next to each in the Scene pane.

  • OK thanks and if i do that the texture are not going to be loaded in vram ?

  • No, anything that is hidden will not be sent to the renderer - though you would have to make sure that all surfaces using the leg map were on hidden bones, if any part was still visible its data would be passed to the renderer. Setting the surface properties to make it transparent won't fully exclude it - if you simplified the surface it wouldn't send as much data to the renderer, but making it fully transparent doesn't relieve the renderer from having to load and evaluate the surface. Another option is to switch to the Geometry Editor tool (Tools menu), then in the Tool Settings pane (Window>Panes(Tabs)) click the + next to the surfaces you want to hide, and finally right-click in the viewport and select Geometry Visibility>Hide Selected polygon(s) - but that form of hiding won't be remembered between sessions, so you would have to redo it each time you loaded the scene.

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