Can I shift the whole Eyeball itself over in DAZ?
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Hi, i'm using DAZ to make faces, but cant seem to be able to translate the eye. I got a morph INJ that had wider eyes, so the cheeks and eyelids moved, but the eye stayed. Now there's a gap between the eyeball and the corner of the eyelid.
I wanna move the whole eye-ball itself, so i can line it up with the eyelids., not just control where it is looking.
The only controls I have are looking side-side and rotate. I tried using the translate tool, but it just doesn't move.
The whole head just moves when i try to move just the eye.
I'm pretty sure i'm making a noob mistake, sorry. I hope you guys can figure out what's going on.
Thanks for your time.
It would help to know what figure you're using. For most you can simply use the translate tools though. Make sure you've got only the eye selected and check under Parameters for the translate dials.