DMs Zahirs Palace

Is there some way to find out if the price noted is what the intro sale price SHOULD be??
According to the old forum:
"The 30% Platinum Club additional discount on DAZ owned product will now be a full 30% of the reg price regardless of any sale price. That means that if a DAZ owned item is on sale for 20% that a Platinum Club member will receive it for a full 50% off the regular price compared to the current store where they would receive it for 44% off. "
So the pricing makes no sense to me.
Original price $24.95
So PC Price would be normally $17.47 (30% off)
It shows Special Price: $13.97
Which is a 14% intro price, based on the new process if my math is right.
I've never seen ANYTHING with a 14% intro price, so I'm guessing this SHOULD be less expensive...
I'm not platinum club, and I'm seeing it for $19.96, if that helps...
Well, that means its a 20% intro special, and it should mean the PC price is $12.48 assuming the new PC rules being additive for % and making it 50% off.
Its showing for me as $13.97, which is a 44% discount. Thats the old PC rules, where the 30% comes off the sale price, not the full price.
Yeah, unfortunately what they had said in the old forum about the discounts adding together has not been true, at least so far. Even the Supersuit stuff was advertised in the newsletter at a certain price level but showed up at a higher price in the store; I believe they had to lower the price for everyone in order to honor the newsletter advertised price.
Hopefully that's something that can/will be fixed. They must have believed it would work that way, otherwise, why get our hopes up?
Yeah this has been a frustrating thing. They manually adjusted to supersuit product and bundles to match that "new" scenario, because they advertised that price, but elsewhere in the store it's been consistently multiplying sale discounts the old way (except in those cases where it did even more bizarre things, temporarily).
It was really one of the few things that was going to be clearly better for us about the new store, and it has completely failed to materialize so far. I've been holding off buying things hoping it switches (and also waiting for sales tax to go away), but it seems further down the road if its happening at all, since it does not at least appear to be the store's default behavior, and maybe they thought it would be. My hopes are still up that it will happen, because it would be great, and would make figuring certain things out quite a bit easier.
Thanks, guys - looks like that's what is going on - the correct price SHOULD be $12.48. SIGH.
With absolutely no way to know how long it's on sale.
At least it's something this month I can actually use.
But of course, the coupon is worthless on it
The coupon will work on this - it's a Daz Original & they removed the "no new releases" restriction.
Oh cool, it is a DAZ 3D original. I could have sworn it said it wasn't, when I looked yesterday... Hmm, maybe next month...
Yep, and of course, it's gorgeous!! I wish I knew how long the sale will last on it...