layers of clothing

Hi can someone tell me how i administer different layers of clothing??
Eksampel: I put a bra on my figure the girl 4, but the cup sizes on the bra doesn't fit the breasts on my figure,
so i use the morphs that came whit this bra and finaly i use the mesh Smoothing modifire to make the
bra fit perfectly! Everything is good!!
But then i want to put a top on my figure, i add the top and like before i use the morphs that came whit this top
and i use a new Smoothing modifire to make the top fit!
But this time when the Smoothing modifire i done calculation, the bra poke thru the top!!
And if i set the bra to be the Colllision item the breasts on my figure will just poke thru in other places of the top!!
What do i do about this?? Maybe i can set the Smoothing modifire to have two Colllision item's? or maybe there is some way to administer layears
of clothing? Or maybe i can use some kind of brush to paint away the bra poke true??
I know that there must be some easy way that other peapol fix this problem i just haven't been abel to find it!!
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Apply Push Modifier to the Blouse. Select blouse, Edit / Figure / Geometry / Apply Push Modifier. You will need to change the Offset in the Parameters tab.
I had the same question and your solution worked very well.
Over a year later, and this helped me
thanks a lot!