Hot do you make fitable an OBJ?

You get say a hat, or a pair of shoes, as OBJ files from It usually happens that you cannot see the "FIT" utility associetd with them. What is the way to make these thigs fitable?






  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited October 2017

    That would be one of those "simple question, complicated answer" type of situations. If you are referring to the built-in "Fit To" utility in DAZ Studio, it is important to understand that that utility has been designed to work primarily with the later generation DAZ figures. As such, it does have some capability of adjusting clothing items designed for one later generation DAZ figure to a different later generation DAZ figure, but results can vary even then. The utility also has the ability to use clothing from "unsupported" figures and attempting to fit them to another figure, but the results can vary greatly in terms of successfully doing so. Using a generic object that hasn't been designed specifically for any particular figure and attempting to use the "Fit To" utility is probably going to be even less likely to succeed.

    The only alternative, given the foregoing, is to attempt to manually fit the item to the figure yourself - no simple one-click solution that I am aware of. You may need to use a modelling program to make the necessary adjustments in addition to DAZ Studio itself. You should also be aware that your examples (hats and shoes) are two of the most problematic types of clothing or accessories to employ successfully with figures that they were not designed for. With hats, fitting them to the figure's head should be possible using the scale sliders under the Parameters tab in most cases, however that will only succeed if the figure is bald or has very short hair. With fuller hair styles, fitting the hat to the head will mean that the hair is going to end up poking through the hat. Fitting the hat to the hair will usually mean that the hat ends up looking too big. With shoes, fitting is even more complicated as the shoes must not only fit the feet properly, but must also be capable of moving with the feet realistically in different poses. The latter requires that the shoes be rigged to bend similarly to the feet, and the available geometry in the shoes must be compatible with that rigging.

    Having said all that, it does not mean that the generic objects you are referring to cannot be adapted, but merely that a lot of the tools and skills necessary to create such items specifically for a given figure will be required in order to adapt them. If you are looking for a quick-and easy, one-click solution, then, as I said, I don't believe that any such solution exists, or is even necessarily possible, unfortunately.

    Post edited by SixDs on
  • That clarifies everything, thanks!


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620

    what you need to do is manually size and transform them to fit

    then hide or delete everything in the scene

    export as an obj DAZ studio scaling(no hidden if other things like the figure in the scene)

    reimport with DAZ studio scaling

    you may need to reapply texture maps

    reload or make your figure visible again

    go to edit click transfer utility

    on top section pick figure default as source your item default as target

    (if you want open advanced and choose add smoothing modifier but only if it has welded vertices it will break up if not)

    click ok

    if it works with your item NOT THE FIGURE selected save as support asset figure clothing in a suitable place.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    What's the purpose of the export/reimport? To get rid of an old skeleton? To apply translation and scale?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620
    Inkubo said:

    What's the purpose of the export/reimport? To get rid of an old skeleton? To apply translation and scale?

    the latter

    you would be very lucky indeed if any outside obj loaded in at the correct scale and position

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    Thank you again, @th3Digit. This probably explains what went wrong with one of my recent attempts to create a prop.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    Inkubo said:

    What's the purpose of the export/reimport? To get rid of an old skeleton? To apply translation and scale?

    Note that if the original clothes object you imported is in .obj format, there isn't an old skeleton. That comes with rigging the clothes object to fit a particular figure, and the .obj file format doesn't support rigging. An imported .obj is just a plain unposable mesh object until you add a rigging setup to it; after that it has a skeleton.

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