I am upset

I sent out an email to Daz on May 25th and it got lost somehow. now I have to submit a zendesk ticket and hope they will see that one.
My hours at work have been reduced. I need to talk to the manager to see if I can have more day hours since I cannot close any more.
I failed all my classes last semester so I decided not to go back to school in the fall. i might return to school or I may not. Who knows.
Between Sunday night and Monday morning, four little critters have appeared into my apartment. They are small little things. I do not have any pictures of them. I mean good pictures. I have one picture of them on my iPhone but cannot tell what they are. My little friend Melody is taking care of these four fuzz balls. Guess she knows what she is doing, though she keeps moving the little fuzzies. I originally found them under a foot stool in the corner. Then they were in the actual corner. Now they are in a box of papers I need to go through near the corner.
There are two little gray fuzzies, one cream colored fuzzy and a tortoise shell fuzzy. None of them have their eyes open so they cannot see. They do know how to make sounds and it is usually Mew! Mew! Mew! I know i have to find homes for them, but part of me wants to keep them all or maybe one of them. (or two or three)
I am also wondering how I can move them from a box of papers to a box that is just for them. I hear them mewing right now. I want to touch them, but they are under Melody's care right now and I do not know if she will approve. Also they are so small and fragile. I am afraid that I would hurt them.
I once accidentally hurt a baby hamster by accidentally dropping him while trying to hold him. He was small but active.
I need to decide on lunch and try to figure out when to get Melody spayed.
If you haven't heard back from the email you sent then submitting a ticket should get you an answer much quicker.
Wow, Zendesk takes care of kittens for members? That's dedication!
Had to temporarily remove photos
OMG what sweet BABIES!! I love kittens..they are sooo cute and so much fun! That little dark calicao looking one..you should name him/her Wallet..because it says Your Wallet next to her :)
Cute babes! :)
Cute fuzzies.
Rough day - week - month - ok year.
My prescription? Cuddle a fuzzy for a while.
Guess that will be Micah once I find him. he got upset that I put books on his chair. He knocked one of the books off on to the ground. Guess he does not like urban fantasy. Or maybe he is just a cat and does not like books at all.
Melody is very protective of her kittens.
talking about prescriptions, I need to take my medicine. I hate taking medicine though.
ROFLMAO....thx for that Dorsey
You might not hurt them but if you touch them too soon the mother can reject them. You could try putting down a fresh box and see if the mother takes the hint. Knowing cats she'll probably ignore it.
Has the father had the snip? Your female cat can get pregnant again and then you'll have two litters to look after.
As a kid, we had a cat that slept on the shelf next to my bed that substituted for a closet. One day, I forgot to leave the cat's space free while putting the laundry away. She cleared it herself that night.
You might not hurt them but if you touch them too soon the mother can reject them. You could try putting down a fresh box and see if the mother takes the hint. Knowing cats she'll probably ignore it.
Has the father had the snip? Your female cat can get pregnant again and then you'll have two litters to look after.
Yes Micah has gotten the snip snip surgery. I just have not done Melody or the kittens yet. Well the kittens are too young.
I'm not even sure how old kitten need to be before they can be fixed.
I think it is eight or nine weeks old if they are big enough. If they are not big enough we would need to wait until they gain weight.
I found an empty cardboard box and put in a cleanish towel and my shirt I was wearing that was nothing special. Hopefully Melody will get the idea to move the kittens to that box.
Right now I have Micah sitting in front of my monitor. Finally he moved only to sniff my cupcake. Now he is heading to his chair.
Today at work did not go great. One manager was upset with me for reasons I am not sure about. I was not taking orders correctly or was taking too long getting money. Another manager got upset at me because I did not finish my dishes fast enough. She asked me what is wrong with me which is causing me not to finish my dishes but everyone else could do them. She also threaten that if I take too long again she will force me to work off the clock. I wonder how she will do that. Will she push me to the nearest register and then grab my hand and put it on the finger sensor so it would clock me out? I could just not clock out until I have those few extra dishes done.
I do not like that the managers were upset with me. I felt like quitting today, but that would mean I have no job which would mean most of my income would disappear and I would have to quickly find another job before my gas tank goes dry and I just made a stupidly long sentence. oops
We made the mistake using thin blankets. We were washing nonstop between 4 blankets. They enjoyed it though.
I thought the shirt off my back would be a hit. Melody has not moved the kittens yet. Maybe she will do it when I am sleeping.
I need to clear off the futon and clean it as that would be a great place to sleep while being near the kittens. That way they can smell me and get used to me (and humans)
The shirt i put in the box is just a plain black shirt. Nothing special about it other than I was wearing it today. I have it in the box so that hopefully Melody will think the box is safe and hopefully better than the box with my papers in it.
I think it is eight or nine weeks old if they are big enough. If they are not big enough we would need to wait until they gain weight.
Normally they reccomend that you wait till the kitties are 6 monts old before they have the op, Females can wait a little longer, and males can be done a little before that if they are well developed.
Kittems can become sexually active at 6 months old, so it is best not to wait, but if you try to castrate the males too early it may not be completely successful. I had one male cat who thought he was still entire, despite the trip to the vets for the unkindest cut of all. One neighbour insisted that she had caught him at it, and blamed me (or rather my cat) for the subsequent litter of kittens that arrived. :roll:
Concerning tomcats and their you-know-what's:
When I was young, I was rather interested in a Mennonite farm girl, Anna. We were going to a singles event and she'd asked me to pick her up. I was a tad early. "Oh, Tom, good, you're early. Dad says we have a job to do 'cause there are too many kittens around." We caught the dominate tomcat and wrapped him up in a big sack. "Hold him tight." Then she took out her pocket knife and rendered him, um... ineffective. Not to mention very upset. "He'll stay dominate for 6 months or so, but there won't be any more kittens. Then he'll loose interest in the whole thing and another will take his place."
To maintain your population of farm cats, you need a couple producing mothers. Things happen to them.
We had an old mother cat who had kittens. Didn't know where. "Where are your kittens?" Typically, she didn't answer. Saturday came along and Mom was fixing to do laundry. There, she found Dixie and her kittens, quite comfortably settled in the wash machine. Mom moved the kittens to a box, did the laundry, and kept the lid closed. The old cat didn't seem to mind.
Will there be a sixty four bit for version 8?
I am tired, but I am not sure if I should take a nap. I could drink some caffeinated soda but it might make me unable to sleep at night. it is eight fifteen now. If I go to sleep now I will wake up around midnight and not able to go back to sleep for a while.
Melody had the kittens in a good spot but she decided it was not good enough so she moved the kittens again.
These photos are the spot i thought was good but she did not.
The box she choose now was still not the box i wanted for her.
I am melting - so much cuddly cuteness! Thanks for showing the pictures.
They are adorable little things
Not sure where they are at the moment.