Can I get a hug?



I started rendering in 2006 but completely fell out with D/S 4. I just never could get the hang of the content and where I had been pretty good at fitting and fixing stuff by hand before and turned into the last noob all of a sudden. 

And it started and ended with... content management.

I now made a fresh start and guess what happened? I installed a dozen completely useless files with Daz Connect before I even knew the how and the why and the what. The UI still is super intimidating and I find my way around half the time by screaming at my display. 

And PLEASE don't get me start on the changes to surfaces. Holy hell. 


BUT! I managed to shape and pose a character that might or might not resemble a certain Blackwatch Commander from Overwatch AND I am slowly getting the feeling that I almost understand a few basic. 


So, Step 1) Clear up the UI. Go back to Hollywood Blvd and hope that the activity bars are customizable. (Are the Activity bars customizable?)

Step 2) Sort and clear up panes.

Step 2) Clean up my Content, set up a less chaotic content system.


Enjoy the last two hours of the weekend to play some Overwatch. 


I tried to work my way through the video tutorials and the wiki but I haven't gotten much farther yet and a lot still is trial and error. 


So if one of you has links to good tutorial on how to deal with the DAZ UI, and the content, please throw them my way. I can never thank you enough for that help. 

Surfaces, too, and shaders, if you know any. 

You know it's bad when you understand rigging more easily than finding something for your figures to wear :/


Sorry for the rant, I just needed to vent a little because yeah... ugh. 


  • I would start with DAZ Studio's YouTube channel.  They have a lot of really good short videos showing how to use DS. Just start with this video and work your way through the rest and you'll be up and rendering in no time.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017


    Suggestion- use DIM (Daz Install Manager) and get Ati's app (the deal browser, there's a thread in Commons.) The deal browser app puts the ReadMe on each product page, which includes the location of the files. Here's the ultra fast options on finding your content (using CONTENT LIBRARY. I don't mess with the Smart Content AT ALL.) 

    1. Get the deal browser app, go to "My Account" (that blue man in the upper right corner, click it and it's in the dropdown) and open up Product Library. Type in your product's name then go to the product page. There will be a ReadMe link. Go to where the files are listed and use the "Daz Studio Folders" list, which tells you where to look if you go to Content Library and then for example-  "Daz Studio Formats>Daz> whatever"  Easy!

    2. Instead of using the Product Library, you can just use the Search tool on the site. (Doesn't work as well as your Product Library.)

    3. Use DIM. Go to the Installed (assuming you did) then click on the "i" in the row of the product, to the right of the checkmark and left of where it says uninstall. That will also take you to the ReadMe page so you can view the files. Again, easy!  This does not require Ati's app. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Oh, and yeah- hug.   

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Hugs!  You can also set up your own custom categories so you always know where your content is once you download it and find it of course. I just started at A in the product list and started building my categories from there.  Its not hard to do but the first time can be time consuming until you have everything set up and organized.  You can find some examples of mine and other people's categories here, with some explanations on how we did them.  About half way down the page.

  • thank you both! I'll work my way through it tomorrow!"


    While we're at it, I have some free stuff that I installed but I can't find it in Daz :(


    Is there a secret?

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Its probably in the Poser section.  Which can be....painful, to find.  Try looking in the Product list inside of studio under content library.  That's probably the fastest way to find it.  Otherwise, you will have to scroll through each section of the Poser list to find all the pieces and parts.  I usually start with figures, then look in props, poses, and materials.  Oddly enough, most of it seems to be in poses.  Its a very old way of doing files.  this was one of the main reasons I started doing my own customized categories, it would take me hours to track down the older content files, since the outfit would be in one spot, the materials in another and the poses may or may not be where you would expect them to be. 

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    The files use to have to be in the Pose folder because DS doesn't recognize the materials folder. It was a work around so DS users can use the products.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    frank0314 said:

    The files use to have to be in the Pose folder because DS doesn't recognize the materials folder. It was a work around so DS users can use the products.

    Interesting, I didn't know that, thanks!

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