Having issues with finding content.
I'm having huge problems with my content appearing to go missing. I downloaded install manager and that ran fine. I told it where to store content (I have multiple drives on my machine of which I'll explain a bit later) and it downloaded and installed everything. However when I open Daz it shows the names of all my products but no thumbnail images. If I click on any item it tells me that the content culd not be found. The only exception to this is the G3 figures.
I run my set up on a PC with 3 hard drives as I mainly use the PC for music production. The 3 hard drives are C:drive which is a small SSD type drive that is just for running Windows 10. Next is my D:drive this is a 2 TB drive for installing all my software programs on and storing my documents, Finally I have my E:drive which is a 3 TB drive only used for storing audio files on.
When installing the install manager and Daz software I set it up to go on my software drive. I also set up the content directory on he software drive but I'm getting no joy. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the software a couple of times and still no joy. Can anyone explain to me why this isn't working?
Thanks in advance
It sounds as if the paths don't match. Rob has created two sample scripts, to syn paths from DS to DIM and from DIM to DS:
Thanks for replying so fast. I don't understand any of the stuff on the two links you posted . What are they?
Theya re scripts for daz Studio - the first will set Install Manager to use the content paths set in Daz Studio, the second will tell daz Studio to use the content paths from Install Manager. Download the one you want by clicking the file icon next to the scripts name, just above the box with the code, then run DS and drag the script file into the viewport to execute it.
Thanks for that. I installed both scripts and most of my stuff has now sorted itself out. However, I have now got a new problem in that everytime i restart my PC the shortcut for Daz firstly cant find the software and then deletes itself and secondly I can't find the programme on my PC anywhere. This has happened twice so far even after a fresh install. Any ideas?
Are you using McAfee as your security software? That has been causing issues for a few weeks now.
Sorry for the delay. No, i'm not using McAfee but I do use Avast (free version)
I think Avast has had issues with DS in the past, but I thought it was in the past. Still, it may be worth disconnecting, disabling Avast, and trying to reinstall.