Is there a way to fit makeup from cross-characters?

in New Users
Is there a way to fit the make up that follows from various characters unto different characters?
And how would products like Ultimate Make-Up work around fitting on characters with different MATs?
When i try to cross-fit make-up between Elizabeth and Victoria i currently get results like these, is there an easy way to make the seams go away?

apply eli make up on vic8.PNG
306 x 384 - 161K

apply vic8 makeup on elizabeth head.PNG
310 x 380 - 157K
With most characters the make-up options are simply a nwe texture for the face, so they can't be mixed and matched. Separate make-up sets use an overlay, either through the Layered Image Editor (which can be slow toa pply) or in newer sets using the Diffuse Overlay option in the iray shader (which won't show in non-Iray previews or renders): soem recent characters also use similar techniques, and those make-ups would be at least somewhat interchangeable.
You will have to find the characters that have individual make up parts - lips, eye make up, etc. There are more than you might think, but a lot of the earlier stuff, like Richard said, are a whole new face, this is usually found most often in V4 and Genesis. Of course, you could just transfer the whole skin over for the make up you want to use- I.e move Elizabeth's skin to Victoria if you really want to use the make up