Steampunk Aviator outfit doesn't fit ANYTHING. Steph 4 won't load

alex_bb8aa5daalex_bb8aa5da Posts: 107
edited October 2017 in New Users

I have the stephanie 4 pro bundle and I really need to use the aviator outfit that came with it. But the stephanie 4 figure doesn't appear to exist (it tells me it can't load because it can't find V4...) and I can't get the pants to fit any other figure withouth huge holes.  I'm new to Daz so the base free figures I got started with Genesis. Is the problem that I'm missing the older base figure? (where do i get it if so).  My primary problem is that i really need that specific outfit and can't figure out how to make it fit on anything.



Post edited by alex_bb8aa5da on


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Stephanie 4 is a morph from Victoria 4, so you do need to have Victoria 4 on the computer in order to use Steph 4

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    Stephanie 4 is an add-on for V4, so yes if you don't have V4 base it won't work. You can find Victoria 4.2 base in the store here.

    As for using the outfit on a Genesis figure, you would need to use autofit to try to convert it. Genesis 1 has a clone for V4 included, for G2F and newer you would need to either purchase a clone for that or do multiple steps (V4 to G1 then G1 to G2F and so on)

  • alex_bb8aa5daalex_bb8aa5da Posts: 107
    edited October 2017

    Thank you guys!  where can i buy the clones?  Leana - i am happy to do the multiple step thing, can you point me in the right direction of HOW to do that?  Also, would i be better off just buying Stephanie 4 for Genesis and skipping victoria?

    Post edited by alex_bb8aa5da on
  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312
    edited October 2017

    1st question would be, do you need the clones, an example of steampunk fitted to genesis with the basic female shape..... try it and see if it works for you before any more spending

    Slight poke-throughs may be corrected with the smoothing modifier....(if the morphs included in the outift don't do the job good enough, remember, an autofitted outfit is never as good compared to the figure (victoria 4 in this case) it was designed for....)


    1163 x 918 - 110K
    Post edited by glaseye on
  • alex_bb8aa5daalex_bb8aa5da Posts: 107
    edited October 2017

    GLASEYE!!! HELLO!!! How the hell did you do that???  I tried loading basic genesis share and it didn't do that.  I am going to clear the slate and try that again.  i couldn't get it to look anything like yours

    Edit:  Thanks to your screenshot i figured out my problem!  Glaseye, you are my fairygodperson

    Post edited by alex_bb8aa5da on
  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312
    edited October 2017

    I guess I did it on 'autopilot' (yep, pun intended....cheeky)

    Load genesis 1st, select genesis in the scene, then doubleclick on a clothing item; that should pop-up the autofit window. There you have to make some choices, like for which figure the item was created (in this case victoria4) and what sort of item it is (shirt, pants etc, i choose hair for the helmet....)


    (edited to add, laugh you beat me with your edited post by a few seconds it seems wink, glad to hear you figured it out...)

    Post edited by glaseye on
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