Huge PC sale... what staples do I need?

With the big sale going on, are there any staples you guys recommend I make sure I have? I don't mean you fav outfit, I mean the building blocks that you find yourself using a lot and that I might run into difficulty if I don't have.  I am not getting any backgrounds as I focus on character that I and other authors and can use as cover stock. So everything i generate i have a transparent background on. You insights appriciated! 


  • BradCarstenBradCarsten Posts: 856
    edited October 2017

    1 get Platinum club membership if you don't already have it. 

    For characters choose a generation. I would go with genesis 3. 

    with the platinum club discount you can then get victoria 7 and Michael 7 for about $5 each. 

    with everything added in your cart get the genesis 3 morphs- face and body for 80% off. Expression is also a good one to use as a starting point. Male and female sold separately. 

    If you can look out for an Iray skin shader just to make you life easier and to get great results.  NGS anagenesis is pretty good to look out for. It was on sale a few days ago.

    Then look out for other characters, hair etc. 

    Post edited by BradCarsten on
  • Bradrg, thank you!!!  I do have the membership and while I'm currently working with Gen 2, I'm building up to Gen 3.  That iray universal shader thing is EXACTLY what i needed and didn't know existed!!!! thank you!!!!!  Added to wish list and waiting for sale!

  • Pleasure. Here's another one- I had both on my wishlist and just took the first one that came on sale. 

    I don't know how long you've been with us, but just a heads up if you are thinking of moving to Michael 7 and Victoria 7, this is probably a good opportuinity. Those prices are about as low as they get, and you may have to wait a while for them to get that low again. 

  • alex_bb8aa5daalex_bb8aa5da Posts: 107
    edited October 2017

    Bradgr - I've only been here since the start of October, so I am trying to stock up during the sales.  I keep returning things every day because i realize they are cheaper now or better things are available.  I do imagine moving up to Gen3, but Gen2 is just easier on a newbie for now.  So yes, I am trying to stock up, i just don't know what to stock with.  I have both bases, morphs and expressions. i think right now is figuring out how to make the older non-ray stuff look photorealistic in ray, so I'm ecited about the universal thing cause it not skin only.  thank you again for pointing me in the right direction and giving me a price check point.

    Post edited by alex_bb8aa5da on
  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312
    edited October 2017

    It's a question actually only you can answer...wink

    As mentioned, the head and body morphs packs for the genesis base figures you want to use (gen1,2,3,8) are a bit of a must, as alot of premade characters make some use of it, and it helps you create your own 'custom' character if you're not a modeler....

    If you intend to try making your 'custom' characters by dialing in those various morphs, you may want to look at the additional morph packs available for the various figures. Thorne/handspanstudios do have quite a few

    and certainly worth looking at if you want to create fantasy/faerie style figures.... (not on sale right now AFAIK)

    As genesis and genesis2 are more or less considered 'older' models now, content for them is more likely to have the higher discounts now....

    ((edit to add:  set a limit/budget for yourself what you want AND are able to spend ... before you know it , you're past it, even with those high discounts... ))

    Post edited by glaseye on
  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312

    A bit off topic, but also watch the sale combos; Sometimes adding a low price PC+ item from the debut/still new category helps in bringing the total price down extra (A $2.39 item giving a$4.00 extra discount for example....)

  • I still love the genesis 2 Characters. I've only just bought into the Gen 3 line, but I still haven't used any of them yet. In fact the last few images I created used Gen 1. 

    when you say bases, are you talking about gen 2 base or  Michael 6 and Victoria 6?. if you haven't got those, then definitely look at getting them. ithe skin textures etc are much better than the base figures, so thats another must have. 


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Also, something you might want to add into your list, are environments. Collective3D has a couple of neat Vignette environments that are DAZ originals amongst his stuff, which are very helpful and versatile in usage. Of course, there's also the hundreds of other environments of PC club....

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