AE CS6.5 + C4D Lite, thoughts?

Word on the wire is that Adobe will release a 6.5 version of After Effects sometime in May 2013. Nothing official from Adobe yet. BUT, for my projects, the idea of an easy way to get 3D into After Effects is pretty appealing. The new version will contain a free version of Cinema 4d Lite and is integrated together. C4D lite can import Collada or .obj, so I'm thinking I can still render in Carrara and use this pipeline in my movies.
Of course, don't take my word for it. I'm new at this. It's why I'm posting - to get your perspective on the possibilities. In terms of what can be done and used with Carrara it sounds like a substantial release.
Does this have any bearing on your workflow? If so I'd like to hear your thoughts. I'm pretty stoked about it.
Well its a coup for Maxxon. And Adobe is really running out of features to add to Photoshop, so why not a WHOLE OTHER PROGRAM..? uh ok.
No idea how C4D-Lite is limited. So hard to say whether this is a real value or a gimmick. I'm not a fan of post work, but of course many people are.
Some seem to like the idea, but to me, it's a wait and see.
It has postponed my purchase of CS6 because I'm hoping it's going to be that good. I know a lot of people are watching to see how it goes. I don't blame them one bit - this stuff is expensive.
{steps onto soapbox} I just want tools that enable my end result, and for me that's motion graphics, actors, 3D, set extensions, music, story all coming together for a movie. I think the best projects focus on the end result rather than the bells and whistles along the way. I'm the FIRST guy who wants to hang on to my rendered scene for the full ten seconds and I have to really slap myself to cut to those meaty 3 seconds. I RENDERED THAT FOR 6 HOURS, DAMMIT! {steps down from soapbox}
Just knowing that kind of tech is in development makes me want to learn Carrara more so that I can go into it with a better understanding of how to troubleshoot.
HI Laynemoore :)
not at all. .. I'm still using AE CS3,.
Compositing 3D rendered footage, with "Live action" footage in AE, or any other Video editor,. with post production tools like colour correction, grain, and toning to help you match images can be done already.,... so, you currently have the tools you need.
Integrating a Lite 3D program into AE, gives Video editors (who may not normally work in 3D) the ability to use the "HOT" new features of AE. it also attracts the C4D users to look at using AE as a production tool, if they don't already.
Will it make me go out and buy this new version. ? ..No.
I'm currently learning to use Videocopilot's 3DElements in AE,. and it's really nice, but transferring an animation sequence of a high-res figure, (like M4/V4 or Genesis),.. with clothing, and textures,. can bring your work to a halt. so. it's better to work with low-res stuff, especially if it's an animated OBJ sequence.
Standard compositing,. with alpha rendered images is still a faster way to work.
I liked the enhanced rotobrush tool also. I recall rotoscoping a few light saber duels in photoshop which, even with some convenient actions (macros), took weeks. The refinements on masking around fine objects like hair are really nice too.
3DAGE, I'm glad to see you use Element 3D. I love video copilot. If I were Andrew Kramer I'd be mad as hell for the adobe/maxon brotherhood but, he has publicly praised the new AE. That shows a lot of class in my book. There may be advantages to using element and c4d lite depending on the project. I've heard element is a faster render and that the animation is better. I've never played around with it before so it's all just from things I've read. I'll definitely be watching how element develops over the next 6 months. I think it's only going to get better for consumers.