Freebies I got from daz store
I got some free stuff from the daz studio store, now I use genesis 2 male and female for what am doing and I knew the stuff I was getting wasn't for this model.
However, I have a "fit to" option, which generally allows none gen 2 stuff to fit to the model.
Sadly when I go to content library and click on this stuff, nothing happens at all, I presume because it detects the wrong model for item, but am hopeful someone has a fix.
This was two of the items I got, which sadly nothing happens.
Post edited by Chohole on
if it helps any, I go to "Content Library" and "Products" tree.
I see the new stuff in there but does have a error symbol next to it, it actually looks the same as the utilities symbol. The small triangle with the ! within it.
I am moving your thread to the New Users help forum, because it is not an offer of a freebie, so doesn't belong in the freebie forum
If you look in the Content Library pane under Poser Formats exactly where are the files you are loading?
If you are using the Content Library, then you should be looking for the hair under Poser Formats > 3DContent > Figures as AK KelpHair. (You will see that the crown is a separate, optional item). To apply the textures, select the hair and go to Poser Formats > 3DContent > AK KelpHair. For the Xmas outfit, it is similar: Poser Formats > 3DContent > Figures > Brahann > Xmas Set 1, with the textures found under Poser Formats > 3DContent > Pose > Brahann > Xmas Set 1 > Textures. Note, I do not believe the "fur" fringes will work in DAZ Studio - I suspect that they are using the Poser Hair Room.
More precisely, it allows first-generation Genesis clothes to be auto-fitted to Genesis2. The two items you linked are for Generation 4, which is pre-Genesis, so the auto-fit won't work.
What you can do, though, is convert in two stages. Auto-fit the V4 clothes to Genesis, save it, then auto-fit the saved clothes to Genesis2. There are converter plugins you can buy in the store to do the job in one step, but the built-in auto-fit for each generation of Genesis can only convert the previous generation's clothes.
sorry about that, now that I think about it, yeah had me a brain fart.
Usually when I Auto-fit, I would click the item and it attach, but it not fit correctly, then I use fit to feature on bottom right, which sorts it. Sure you know that.
However, this time, when I click on item, nothing happens at all, its like I don't have the model selected in the scene but I do.
when you say fit to Genesis , you mean the basic model? same with that model, nothing happens.
This is one of the items I got today, I should spend more time looking at it first, the add-ons at bottom show a auto fit from Michael 4 to Genesis 2 for free.
I guess its trial and error , just got to play around until you get it.
there actually listed under products and the alphabet letters, so b for basic wear and x for xmas set.
appreciate the replies. thank you.
leave it with me, its 12.35am and about to watch MNF, need to have a closer look at the items I got, may be some add-ons that help with auto-fit.
shall check tomorrow.
Try right-clicking on the file and selecting the option to show in a mapped directoy or virtual folder (the latter will show if you isntalled within DS using Connect). The product Library, especially for older items that lack the content type flags, makes it very easy to pick a material file (which will give the error you report) instead of the actual figure or prop.
I clicked on "show product in smart content" and got this message "the chosen products could not be found with the filtering options, uncheck the "filter by context" option and try again"
I don't see a show in mapped directory or virtual folder option, only smart content option available when I right click.
Check the zip for the foldrs used - Runtime>Libraries>LIBRARY>some folder, then look under Poser Formats>Folder Installed to>LIBRARY>Some folder to find the files - Character as a library name will be Figures in DS, and is the most likely place to find the actual model.
As Richard said. In my earlier post I gave you the actual file locations for the models vs. the textures/materials. However, there was a small oversight that I negelected to mention: where I specified 3DContent, that is actually the name of my content library - yours will undoubtedly be different and should be substituted.
yup , sorry SixDs, within poser formats I did find the items, turned out they didn't look that great to me, christmas skirts was to shirt and hair was to large really.
I have found other stuff in there that I had installed, but sadly, can't seem to access materials, had look through materials within poserformats, but no sign, might not be any but not 100% sure.
I think I most likely best sticking with genesis, genesis 2 and genesis 3 stuff while using genesis 2 m/f model ?
You will most likely find the mats for a product of that age in the Poser format Pose section
Yup,anytime you can't find something in the Poser format, look in the Poses section. All kinds of things got mixed in there.