Hiding a Selection in Viewport
Not sure what it's is called, so attaching screenshot. It's the white square, colored arrows thingie that always comes up when something is selected.
While it's good for quickly setting up stuff, I'm finding it gets in the way when I want to detail expressions, etc.
Can you hide it, and if so-- how? (Looked at view, preferences, window, etc. but didn't find anything.)
Edit: Dec. 2018 - weeding out too many files at imgur. PM if find broken links.
Post edited by Tynkere on
You could use a different tool, the Node Selection Tool for example (or even a non-node tool, and make your selections through the Scene pane).
Thanks. That really helps & figured it would be something simple. ; )
Yep, I love using that tool but there times when it is frustratingly in the way. I find that when I don't want to see the transforms, I click on the Node tool. It's the one that looks like an arrow. It gives you some of the same functionality of the Universal tool, but you don't have all of the crosshairs getting in the way. It's mostly for selecting. When you want to fine tune poses and stuff, go back to your Universal tool.
My pref is to use the universal tool mainly for big moves, positioning the figure mostly, then active pose for everything else because unlike the node tool you can use it to pose and its much better at fine tuning poses than the universal tool imho, its what its for, and while it does have a gizmo you can toggle it on and off with the shift key. Or in the tool settings pane.