Options for video creation from DAZ studio
Hello everyone,
I am newbie to 3D animation and trying to get a basic idea of creating a simple animated video.
However i feel my question could be very basic in nature, please pardon me for that.
I had done few stuff with genesis characters as given in demo videos.
After complete character lets say i want to create a video in which my character would be walking only.
i had tried with animate and was able to animate.
1) How do i export that in video?
2) I can see movie maker is also a option for animation. which one is better animate vs movie maker?
3) How mostly other animators are doing for animation and video creation?
I will really appreciate any help.
1) You can render direct to a .avi/.mov file (depending on platform) but the recommended approach is to render to an image sequence and put that together, after any needed tidying up, fixing , or partiao rerendering, in a video editor. The render type (and file name) are set in the General group in the Editor tab of the Render Settings pane.
2) Movie Maker and Animate do diferent jobs - Movie Maker is a way to have environments without having to load all the geoemtry, at the expense of not having actual geometry. I'm not sure what advantages it has over using HDRIs as backgrounds (Render Dome On in render Settings0. Animate gives you prepared sequences of movement, mostly derived from motion-capture of live actors.
1. You have to render the animation as a movie or an image series. That is done in the render settings tab: Chose your render engine( IRay. 3Delight or OpenGL),
chose render to movie or image series (instead of render to still image which is the default),( img series require a video editing sofware like moviemaker before you can watch your animation). I suggest you render a couple of stills so you get to know the render options available before you start rendering movies).
2. Moviemaker and other similar softwares are used to edit your movie clips you make in DS. Animate is a tool within DS to help with animating, but you
can also use the timeline to make keyframed animation.( Google animation tutorials for DS).
3. Everybody has their own method I guess. I use the timeline to animate, sometimes animate light as I don't have the full version found in the DS store.
Then I render the animation as a movie file and bring it into my video editor if I need to make adjustments.
Watch a couple of tutorials before you start so you know a little about the options you have;)