Hello my name is Shannon

in New Users
I am new to learning DAZ and i was wondering if its possible to create the face of someone thats a real person or at least mimic there face. The reason is my girlfriend and soulmate passed away and i am trying to create a scene of where i have fond memories of us. And i need to start somewhere and her beautiful face is where that should be.Thank you for any help if there is.
Hi Shannon,
I'm sorry for your loss.
There are several tools that can create the face from photos, but you need very good photo resources, and the results vary greatly.
Here's one:
There's also this: https://www.daz3d.com/headshop-oneclick-plugin-win
I don't have any advice on faces but I just wanted to say that I am very sorry for your loss. I am not home right now but there are several threads around for using the Facegen product. If no one has hunted them up for you by the time I get home I will add them first chance I get when I'm home.
FaceGen is really fun and in FaceGen, some people are really identical to what they look like in real life and others are very, very close. I certainly wouldn't buy it unless it was on sale, $139 is a lot of money.