Missing morphs?



I'm considering moving to DAZ Studio from Poser, so I bought face and body morphs for Genesis 8 to experiment with. The DAZ installer says that they have been downloaded and installed, but I can't find them in any of the content boxes or on any of the figure's body parts. Everything else I have installed shows up fine. Anyone have any ideas?


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    When you say you looked at the body parts, did you use the Parameter tab? Because the morphs will only be found in the Shaping Tab, not the Parameter Tab.

    Check out https://www.daz3d.com/help/help-daz-3d-video-tutorials

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited November 2017

    Actually, they should be accessible through either the Shaping or Parameters tabs, with the figure selected in the viewport.

    Since you are coming from Poser, you should understand that all the Genesis series figures (Genesis, Genesis 2, Genesis 3 and Genesis 8) do not use the morph injection process that is so familiar to Poser users. Instead, when "installed", morph packages are automatically applied to the figure when one is loaded - they should simply appear in either the Parameters tab or Shaping tab when a figure is loaded and selected. If multiple morph packages are used, it can sometimes be difficult to differentiate between the morphs associated with different packages, since there is not necessarily any categorization like that. If the G8F face and body morphs have been placed properly in your content library, you should see more than twenty breast morphs showing up, or, similarly, more than 20 nose morphs showing up for the figure. You can do a search by body parts (nose, breasts, etc.) in the parameters tab to show the morphs available. (Alternatively, you can expand the selections under Actor in the left panel of the Parameters tab to narrow your selection - i.e. Actor > Head > Face > Nose) If you are not seeing them, there may be a problem with the installation.

    Post edited by SixDs on
  • Okay. Thank you. I have actually found them now. I was in the Presets tab, where the shaping tab was empty. Under the Editor tab, the Shaping tab is full of morphs. Thank you for your help.

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