About 3D paint and UV mapping features in Carrara 8.5

What is better, the 3D paint feature in Carrara 8.5 or Hexagon ? and for UV mapping it's better in Carrara or Hexagon ?, some questions to find the good ways for painting and texturing.


  • UV mapping is much better in Hexagon, although neither of them is really great for complex or organic shapes.

    I've never used Hexagon's 3D paint though, so I can't comment on that one. I have used the Carrara 3D paint (pretty extensively recently as I've been experimenting with more hand-painted textures) and like it a lot. It can freeze and crash though if you are trying to do too much - like tons of colors on a 4K image will almost certainly freeze up at some point.

  • Thanks for the answer.

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