Reinstalling Bryce

I am trying to reinstall Bryce, because I have a growing amount of Bryce product, which...I have not yet installed.

After trying to reinstall and open Bryce, I get a blue pop-up box (attachment), and no Bryce.

However, when I touch the top of my screen with my cursor, I a black window momentarily appears, with the words 'Lightning' in if Bryce is open.  But it is completely black and disappears at once. (I can actually close this window out before it disappears, and the blue pop-up box disappears, also.

(I am running Windows 64-bit, I don't know if that has anything to do with it.) 

Anyway, how do I get Bryce to run?   And place my Bryce product in the correct path?  (through Edit>Preferences>Content?)


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  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583

    It looks ike you've installed Lightning, which is a network rendering node for Bryce, rather than the main application.  The main applicatio installer is here:

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Bryce comes with a .exe installer,  and it it really is better to download and install that manually.   

    You need to install the Bryce exe first, the on that is Bryce_7.1.0.109_win32.exe    and then the content exes, there are 2 of them.  the Bryce lightning exe you don't nedd if you are not wanting to set up a render farm.

    Horo has a PDF file that helps

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 679

    Thank you both!  That got Bryce going!

    DM does not want to install my Bryce products, do I need istall them manually?

    And if so, where should I place them?  

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537
    edited November 2017

    Yes, DIM is good for Studio only. Manual install is the way. As Chohole suggests, this PDF tells you all you need to know to install additional Bryce products.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 679

    Thank you!  If I can get my Bryce product installed correctly, I can finally make use of it.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583

    You'll need to add the path to the Bryce application to DIM in Settings > Applications if it isn't being picked up.

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 679

    Thanks, I didn't know that.

    I corrected that part.

    I'm still not getting any content picked up in Bryce, though.  I tried the X86 path and (since that might not be right- according to what I read- I tried the Users>Public Documents>Bryce path...but that didn't work, either.  Maybe I'm gettting close.

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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    honestly it really is far better to install content namually as Bryce is very particular as to where each category goes. 

    bryce content.jpg
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  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 679

    I have Bryce C:>Program Files (x86)>Daz3d.

    Do you think Bryce7 needs to be uninstalled and placed somewhere else, first?

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  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583
    dash2128 said:

    I have Bryce C:>Program Files (x86)>Daz3d.

    Do you think Bryce7 needs to be uninstalled and placed somewhere else, first?

    Is that the path you have in DIM's Settings > Applications tab?  It needs to be C:/Program Files (x86)/DAZ 3D/Bryce7

    I don't know if it needs to be, but I always recommend it, as Windows Vista and up are very protective of the Program Files hierarchy.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537

    I may have been unclear in my previous post. The PDF document not only explains where additional stuff is to be installed but also how and where Bryce is to be installed.

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 679
    edited November 2017
    dash2128 said:

    I have Bryce C:>Program Files (x86)>Daz3d.

    Do you think Bryce7 needs to be uninstalled and placed somewhere else, first?

    Is that the path you have in DIM's Settings > Applications tab?  It needs to be C:/Program Files (x86)/DAZ 3D/Bryce7

    I don't know if it needs to be, but I always recommend it, as Windows Vista and up are very protective of the Program Files hierarch


    Yes, I believe so.  The reason I asked about that path, is that I read something that....I thought said that Bryce should not be installed in a 'Programs (X86)' path, because some files cannot be properly read or opened by Bryce, using the (X86) path; that some content will not operate properly, if (X86) is used.

    ....but- right off hand- I cannot locate that piece of information, so I'm not sure.

    Once the content is placed in the correct location, I use the File>Import command, don't I? 

    I'll take another stab at it in an hour or two.  See if I can figure this out.  Assuming that DM cannot place my content, then I'll to do it manually; But so far, it looks like I'm placing it in the wrong location.    

     One thing....It looks like I tried creating a Bryce folder outside of my Daz3d folder (last 2 attachments), and placed content in it (Phil Drawbridge).  I should probably delete that, right?    

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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    I have never installed any prgram files on the same drive as my OS,  so have never had Bryce installed to Program files X86.   I also have never had a Daz3d folder anyway on any of my computers. 

    I have also never used DIM to install Bryce.  Bryce still comes with an exe file and an installer so it can be installed directly without having to use DIM.

    I make a folder on my D (or whatever other Letter it may be) Drive and call it Bryce. I have then installed Bryce into that folder.  Installing Bryce to a Daz 3d Folder seems completely wrong to me.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537

    I have all Bryce versions installed: 4, 5, 5.5, 6.0, 6.1, 6.3, 7.0, 7.1 and none is on the Program Files folder or on the C drive, which is for the system only. I never ever used DIM to install content, not even for Studio, of which I have 2.3 (for Bryce 5.5), 3.0 (for Bryce 6.x), 4.8 (for Bryce 7.x) installed. Everything is on the D drive and I had one on a memory stick so I could use it out of home on a friends computer. I have all those Bryce versions installed on my five computers, Win2000, XP Home, XP Pro and twice 7 Pro. Never ever had any pain, just run the EXE installer and it works.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited November 2017
    dash2128 said:

    Yes, I believe so.  The reason I asked about that path, is that I read something that....I thought said that Bryce should not be installed in a 'Programs (X86)' path, because some files cannot be properly read or opened by Bryce, using the (X86) path; that some content will not operate properly, if (X86) is used.

    I am currently running Bryce out of "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\Bryce7\Bryce.exe" in Windows7, and running it from there works fine.  While there could be some issue I'm not aware of, I've not had a problem using the default installation location for many versions of Bryce in the past.

    However, I did encounter the following issue, which doesn't affect my ability to run it from there but does mean I need to avoid pulling files back out of there.  I therefore maintain any changes to my content in my own backup folder that is NOT stored in that location, then I just copy that into the default Bryce install folders to use.

        In Windows 7, if you try to delete or change a file somewhere within "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\Bryce7\Presets\" it appears that it changed but in fact Windows is running off a second copy it secretly created within "C:\Users\Sean Riesch\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\Bryce7\Presets\".  It appears that you need to delete it from both places, although you only need to put the updated one in the x86 folder.  Another possible Windows 7 virtual store problem, it seems as though if you copy a .mat file from the Bryce installed location when a corresponding file also exists in the virtual store, the copy silently gets corrupted.  However you can copy it from the virtual store location instead and it won't be corrupted.  TODO Possibly the same problem happens if you rename it, so never rename anything for now.


    Post edited by sriesch on
  • S RayS Ray Posts: 399

    I would advise installing Bryce on an external or not a primary dive. Then if you do a system recovery ( on any Win. OS) you simply have to  create a new  short cut to the task bar, and not lose any of the libraries you have added to the Bryce Preset folders.  If you need more info on how to do this , just ask...this community supports all Bryce and old.


  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 679



    sriesch said:
    dash2128 said:

    Yes, I believe so.  The reason I asked about that path, is that I read something that....I thought said that Bryce should not be installed in a 'Programs (X86)' path, because some files cannot be properly read or opened by Bryce, using the (X86) path; that some content will not operate properly, if (X86) is used.

    I am currently running Bryce out of "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\Bryce7\Bryce.exe" in Windows7, and running it from there works fine.  While there could be some issue I'm not aware of, I've not had a problem using the default installation location for many versions of Bryce in the past.

    However, I did encounter the following issue, which doesn't affect my ability to run it from there but does mean I need to avoid pulling files back out of there.  I therefore maintain any changes to my content in my own backup folder that is NOT stored in that location, then I just copy that into the default Bryce install folders to use.

        In Windows 7, if you try to delete or change a file somewhere within "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\Bryce7\Presets\" it appears that it changed but in fact Windows is running off a second copy it secretly created within "C:\Users\Sean Riesch\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\Bryce7\Presets\".  It appears that you need to delete it from both places, although you only need to put the updated one in the x86 folder.  Another possible Windows 7 virtual store problem, it seems as though if you copy a .mat file from the Bryce installed location when a corresponding file also exists in the virtual store, the copy silently gets corrupted.  However you can copy it from the virtual store location instead and it won't be corrupted.  TODO Possibly the same problem happens if you rename it, so never rename anything for now.


    Secretly created?

    I didn't see such a path, how would one locate a 'virtual store' path/location? 

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 679
    S Ray said:

    I would advise installing Bryce on an external or not a primary dive. Then if you do a system recovery ( on any Win. OS) you simply have to  create a new  short cut to the task bar, and not lose any of the libraries you have added to the Bryce Preset folders.  If you need more info on how to do this , just ask...this community supports all Bryce and old.


    That sounds like it would prevent problems when I upgraded my computers.


  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 679

    Thank you for all the help, everybody!

    I finally got the files correctly placed, and imported into Bryce Materials area.

    (I imported from the 'Create', 'Edit' and 'Sky' panes.)  


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited November 2017
    dash2128 said:
    Secretly created?

    I didn't see such a path, how would one locate a 'virtual store' path/location? 

    perhaps "non-obviously" would be better phrasing than "secretly". 

    I haven't looked at this for years, and don't remember the details, you will have to google for "windows virtual store" and read up on it.  I went to look at mine again, and see the folder from my note above isn't there, but see only this instead. (of course you would have your username, not my name, in the filepath.)  I don't know enough about it to understand the details.  Perhaps my note is wrong, perhaps it is only an issue under certain circumstances, perhaps this has changed due to windows updates over the years, or perhaps various Windows settings can change the behavior of the virtual store.

    screenshot, virtual store.png
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    Post edited by sriesch on
  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 679

    I wouldn't know, either.

    But thanks for replying.  I finally got things working...just about the time I thought it wasn't going to happen soon.

  • S RayS Ray Posts: 399
    dash2128 said:
    S Ray said:

    dash2128 said That sounds like it would prevent problems when I upgraded my computers.

    I does, I just reinstalled win 10 today, it took almost 4 hrs to reformat my primary drive the install win 10 with  all the upgrades. I took 2 1/2 hrs to  create new short cuts ( on my task bar ) the only software apps I have to reinstall are Poser 11 and Adobe CS6 Master collection and the hardware drivers  for my parallel PCI card that supports the doggie key & the sentinel drives for Electric Image Animation System and it's ACIS modeler. also I upgraded the drivers to my video card too.



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