Lock Production Frame
Daz 3D Forums > Software > Carrara Discussion>Lock Production Frame
Lock Production Frame

I was hoping it would lock each production frame for each camera so you could have a different aspect ratio for each camera, [was a feature request i made] but it simply locks the frame for all cameras, thats it?
So your feature request asks that when you change the output camera, aspect automatically changes?
You could kind of do that now by using the Batch Queue. Set up as many cameras as you want, framed to the aspect you want. Save your scene. Go to the render room, choose the Batch Queue tab at the bottom left of your screen, and load your scene. If you have three cameras you want to render, load your scene into the queue three times. The first instance could be set to camera 1, the second to camera 2, etc. Change the output size to whatever aspect you wish on each instance of the scene. Once you're done doing that, make sure you select the option to save each render to a named file and give each instance of your scene's render a unique name. That's it! You should be ready to render!
greetings evilproducer "So your feature request asks that when you change the output camera, aspect automatically changes?" if you mean each camera acting as an independent camera with an independent aspect ratio, then yes. I would like to be able to show in one file different views with different aspect ratios for each camera. This is for print and web. Before I render. Not necessarily for a render but for pre-render choices. Ive got people over my shoulder all of whom want a finger in the pie.
Well, hopefully the possible work-around I suggested works. Good luck on the feature request.