rendering noise

Hello i am new in Daz Studion and i am doing my firsts rendering just to test and learn more about the program and rendering itself. So far i noised that if i made a close look rendering, like for example if i do a rendering just to the head from a very close distance i get very good result of the render, but if i do a render from long distance, the whole body, i get an image with a very bad quallity too much noise on the picture. Can anyone explane to me please how to slove this problem ?


  • Iray (the default) or 3Delight? The distance dependence sounds a bit like an issue with a common 3Delight shader, where a scale setting for sub-surface scattering needs to be adjusted but Iray also produces noise if the areas of interest are a small part of the scene (zommed out) and are slower to converge than the rest of the scene - is the figure just floating in space or is it in a set?

  • denev.yasendenev.yasen Posts: 10
    edited November 2017

    On a secont thought i got noise even on the close one i dont know how did i lied my self the first time i think i am missing some option on the rendering i did not touch anything there i left them as default. I just load Victoria 7 model add a hair and load a pose this is some of the results i manage to do so far. When you zoom in there is a lot noise cant be anything be done ?

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    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • That looks as if your scene is in some kind of enclosed, or semi-enclosed, space - that can exacerbate noise depending on how you are lighting the scene.

    Please bear in mind that we do not allow nude renders:

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