Pixely with real pic setting and realy dark in interactive (noob)

Hey guys, Im new at daz3d. But i got some that i added to my libraby and working with it. When i render in iray with photorealistic it get pixely in 1920x1080 see attachment. And when i render in interactive is very dark. What am i doing wrong?
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Don't post nude content images, it's against the TOS. https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/3279/acceptable-ways-of-handling-nudity#latest
Interactive uses a slightly different mode of calculation, as far as I know, so the result can be different from the "full" image.
Interactive won't use emissive lights, so if you had any of those in the scene you will lose them and it will get darker.
Noise generally requires rendering for longer, rendering with a higher Render Quality setting, rendering larger and then reducing the size (which averages out the noise), or adding more light (and then adjusting Tone Mapping in DS or taking the render into an image editor to get the light levels you want).
put some panties and a bra on her, or a supersuit or something, then it's safe for posting. From what I recall about the pics, here's a suggestion: For the first one, you Need a light source from the front (where the camera is), so you get more light and People can actually see her antatomical elements. The way you have posistioned your lights now only lights her from the back. An easy way to get more light is to turn the headlamp of the camera on, and set it to a lower value, like 30-40% strength, perhaps even lower; you'll have to Experiment with that.
I've described a few basics about lighting in Iray here and in the followings posts, with examples: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/1536281/#Comment_1536281
Some more examples here: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/869789/#Comment_869789
I'd especially like to point out this post of the lot: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/869852/#Comment_869852
Also, be careful what light you are adding. Some sets are for 3Delight and will not give you any light in Iray. Check out if in the parameter tab of the light, the value for "photometric" is set to "ON". Iray lights are controlled through lumiance, not strength (that value is for 3Delight).
Might have "been there done that" so the following may or may not help.
If my card goes too fast I'll get noise, so set Render Quality to 2x and nudge Render Conversion to 98 or so. Takes longer, but no noise. (Fireflies?)
IRay preview through the camera with photorealistic seems really good. "What you see is what you get" Sometimes it's very dark if I want to tweak while view through camera, so will have to turn its lamp on. If do that, just remember to toggle it back off before that two hour render. D'ope!
Just my novice observations since may have run into same problem. : )