Built in content missing in daz studio 4.5

I just installed 4.5 a few moments ago and everything seemed to be going good until i tried to add a uber envioroment light to the scene,when i go over to smart content all i see is a gray image with the words "built in content" as the iamge shows below. i tried unintalling the previous version of daz studio 4 and the content management service and then reinstalling,sstill the same problem. i'd really like to use the uber lights,why is this happening?

1680 x 1050 - 1M


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Have you uninstalled old built-in contents by un-installer,
    and installed "Genesis Starter Essential " ?
    Can you find the product name "Genesis Starter Essential ",,\
    in your product category of Content Library tab, or Smart Contents?

    I remember, about old verison ds 4 (I did not know clear,, which version ds need to uninstall built in coontent )
    we needed to un-install them ceparately by their individual un-installer, though it has been installed with daz studio aprication,
    to clean un-install or up-date.

    now you know,, the built in contents change the name.
    And we need to download and install "Genesis Starter Essential " separately as built in contents..

    I am afraid,, your old version built in contents meta-data remain your data-base,,
    you may have many orphan files in your smart contents.

  • edited December 1969

    Ok i just installed the genesis stuff via the install manager and i'm STILL missing alot of files, alot of the missing content has shown up now but now i keep seeing the same grey imahe with the words "genesis starter essentials" in smart content with no actual content, and i still dont see my fucking uber lights >:/

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,474
    edited December 1969

    By default DS uses YourProfile\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library for content while the Install Manager uses \Public Documents\DAZ 3d\My Studio Library (I think). You either need to point DS to the DIM folder or vice versa.

    To add a folder to DS, open the Content Library pane, right-click on the Poser Formats and DAZ Studio Formats headings and choose the Add ... Directory option, then select the My Studio Library folder.

    To change the folder DIM installs to, click the gear icon at top-right, then in the Installation tab click the + button and select the My Library folder. Then in the Ready to Install Tab click Where to Install and pick the folder from the list.

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