Reducing file size of rendered jpg

in New Users
I have figured out how to render a jpg in Daz Studio 4.10 using iray. The image will be used on a website, and the jpg file size is too big. I have reduced the quality of the render in Daz Studio by reducing the max samples, but the jpg size is still much too big. Currently, I must edit the image in Gimp and export it as lower quality in order to get the jpg file size I want. Then the image is good enough quality and the file size is acceptable. Is there a way to generate a jpg of lower quality in Daz Studio, so I do not need to edit it again in Gimp?
Not as far as I know - jpg quality, and file size, are related to how exactly the export matches the render on screen (jpg is a lossy format), so lowering the render quality just gives a noisier image tos tart from - indeed, the noise may make it harder to compress and so produce a larger file.
Yes, as mentioned above, the graininess of a reduced quality render will cause less efficient jpg compression. A higher quality render will compress more efficiently because the image will be more like the sort of thing jpg was designed for; scanned photographs. There's really no way around having to use an external program to adjust compression.
Have you tried a simpler image manipulation/viewer program? The one I prefer is Irfanview, which allows you to optimise for a specific compression factor, or to target a specific final file size. It's simple to use, I can load, adjust, and re-save an image in a matter of seconds. And it's free, which might not be a minor consideration for you.
Ihad noticed that as the quality of the render decreased, the file size increased. This did not make any sense to me. Thank you for explaining.
I have used Irfanview in the past. That may be quicker for me so I will look into it. Thanks!
ImageMagic will also easily alter the compression level on jpegs.