Is bulk removal of highlights from shaders possible ?
Posts: 626
It's common clothes and other models opened in Carrara often look like plastic so one has to remove highlights and shininess from the textures in the shader room.This is a bit of a pain especially locating the offending items.( which mostly is all)
So I'm wondering if there is a bulk method of applying changes . ( a one click solution would do :) )
Would Fenric's Pose and Shader Tools plug in do it or be of any help ?
you need this
Fenric is a genius
at the moment its 15percent highlight but he has promised to make it user adjustable
Don't forget, manually or with a plugin, once your adjustments are made, you can save the shader to the browser, or even the entire object/character itself. The object/character will even load faster from the browser because it's in the native .car format!
Wow That Fenric IS a genius !!
I really didn't expect a solution - thanks Headwax for that pointer and thanks Fenrick for the plugin.Appears to be exactly whats needed and at $2.50 it's a bargain.l
Yes I do save my characters as car files fully clothed. As you say Evil, they load very quickly and of course it saves applying clothing again also it's easy to add/exchange clothing.
thanks everyone
He appears to have updated the plugin already, check the product page.
For figures I set the shader, mostly with simply drag and drops then save the multichannel shader. So for figures I have shaders all ready. Drag/drop/done. Clothes are usually easy because they don't have many shader zones. The only time this is burdensome to me is with big prop scenes like stonemason's. But then I like working with shaders ;)
I downloaded and can confirm the updated version defaults to preset but hold shift down whilst selecting shader doctor and menu pops up allowing percentage selection for highlight/bump/shininess settings.
Operates on selected items only which is handy too.
My request for one click solution was a joke but thats what I got :coolsmile:
thanks again all.