Studio 4.5x Pro load problems

1gecko1gecko Posts: 309
edited December 1969 in Technical Help (nuts n bolts)

(please be patient if I missed the fix for this, I did look before posting...)

Just getting back into 3D art after a long break and working with DS Pro (last used 3.x). Installed 4.5, registered, etc. and made sure the paths were correct to the content before staring.

Spent a few hours learning the new interface and then made a simple scene, by which time it was LATE and I saved it and went to bed. Got up, loaded my scene and...

... it can't find textures or most of the obj/shape information! On ANY of the saves (I generally save different versions as I work).

I did not load alternate textures for anything - everything is default still. Paths have not changed.

Everything looks like small, grey boxes.



  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,971
    edited May 2013

    Panic not! Or not yet anyway! Unless you actually got an error message about files not found then you are fine. What I suspect has happened is that you have managed to select a viewport option that displays items as those grey boxes. In the top right corner there's a little 'orb', just right of where you select what camera you wish to look through. Click on that and you'll see a list of options - I'd suggest which one to take but I am in the midst of a render at the moment. Try each in turn to see what you think (I think the one you want is toward the bottom of the list).

    Try the one titled Texture shaded

    Post edited by SimonJM on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582
    edited December 1969

    What OS are you using, and where is your content installed?

  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309
    edited December 1969

    Sorry to take so long to get back - was busy this evening.

    a) Yes, it was an 'error' message - not finding files/textures. Everything loaded as rounded, grey boxes

    b) Win7 Pro 64bit Service Pack 1
    Hardware: Intel i7-3930 CPU (3.2GH) w/ 16GB RAM, Dual NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 w/2GB (each)

    I was also reading anything remotely related in the forum and read the post on the difference between .duf and .das files. As disk space is not (currently at least) a problem for me, is there any way to make DS 4.5 Pro save files in .das format? I don't see any other options...

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    File type is not the issue, not finding the saved data is the cause. Could you open this please... Content Directory Manager, then expand all paths in both Daz Studio Formats and Poser Formats and post a screen shot.

  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309
    edited December 1969

    Ok :) will do as soon as the current render is finished (still playing even if I am not confident of saves)

  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309
    edited December 1969

    Is this what you meant, Jaderail?

    (Content Manager came along about the time I had to quit from art for a while)

    basically my content all falls along the same scheme and out of the same folder system (which DS detected)

    c:\program files\DAZ\content\

    with the poser compatible files in

    c:\program files\DAZ\content\Runtime\ (etc.)

    with the various 'Figures', 'Poses', and 'Props' library folders organized as shown (so I can actually FIND things when looking for them)

    This library folder reorganization DOES occasionally cause issues with some 3rd party content that stores textures or .objs in the same folder with the content instead of in the respective \geometry and \textures folders - but not usually (and in the scenes I have done, only a couple of items has this occurred with on initial content load - though I selected the 'find file' option, the file and then the item loaded fine).

    is this what you wanted to know?

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  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582
    edited December 1969

    The problem is that Win7 protects the Program Files hierarchy and doesn't allow applications to write there, so the files that appear to be there are actually being written to a Virtual Store under Appdata, so DS can't find them. The best solution is to move the content out of Program Files, but a workaround is to add the virtual store as a DS-format content folder. The virtual store will be somewhere under

  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309
    edited May 2013

    yes - had already thought of that actually (sorry I did not specify earlier)

    My saves (scenes, etc.) are under 'my documents' (Libraries -> Daz Studio -> Scenes or c:\users\1gecko\My Documents\Daz Studio\Scenes depending on which notation you prefer), so there should be no problem with saving / writing the data - unless DS is actually trying to save something to the 'Content' folder also for some reason??

    That said - I have noticed something in continuing to work: Each time I go to save a new scene (or scene version), DS doesn't actually DO anything (no new file is created) unless I re-enter the registration code O.o Once I enter the registration code again - it saves the file as one would expect (well, at least creates a file - still the problems with it can't FIND what it saves later).

    Correction - it only needs the registration code re-entered SOMETIMES... sometimes it saves fine without it. Heh, I guess it would be too simple if it was a predictable problem!

    Post edited by 1gecko on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582
    edited December 1969

    DS saves data files to the Data folder in the first DS-format content folder listed, regardless of where you save the user-facing files.

  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309
    edited December 1969

    ahh... ok, is there a reasonable way to move the c:\program files\Daz\Content\ (etc.) folder without DS losing it? Will it find it again if I manually move it to 'Documents' or is there something special I will need to do to tell it where it is again?

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited May 2013

    You can just MOVE the folder to Documents and then remap the path in your DS prefs using the Content Directory Manager.
    You will need to do some Metadata fixing if you use Smart content.

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    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309
    edited December 1969

    ahhh!! Thank you greatly!

    ... ok, so far that seems to have worked (I actually loaded a scene that WASN'T all small grey boxes!)! Will test it some more tomorrow to see how it goes, but perhaps that fixed it!

    Thank you both =D

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,971
    edited December 1969

    You're welcome, but all I did really was watch .. :)

  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309
    edited December 1969

    Ok, worked some more and this (moving the Content folder to \user\...\documents\) seems to have fixed my problems! even with a lot of older files O.O!

    thanks again, guys!

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