next camera shortcut?

I have a scene with 12 cameras and I want to be able to switch between viewing through them easily. Does anyone know if there is a keyboard command for "next camera" so I can quickly run through the various views?



  • Not that I can see. I've plonked a bookmark to this thread on my desktop, I think I can see how to script this (get camera list from teh Scene, get the current camera from the viewport, get the index of that camera in the list, add 1, set the viewport to use that camera) but it's highly unlikely to get done until after Christmas.

  • Not that I can see. I've plonked a bookmark to this thread on my desktop, I think I can see how to script this (get camera list from teh Scene, get the current camera from the viewport, get the index of that camera in the list, add 1, set the viewport to use that camera) but it's highly unlikely to get done until after Christmas.

    ok. Thanks RIchard. It's not a big issue. Just wanted to check that I hadn't missed it.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,388

    I hate to state the obvious but...why not just use the drop down menu in the upper right of the viewport? DropDown>Cam1---DropDown>Cam2 ect...How big of a rush are you in? cheeky

  • ralencarralencar Posts: 2
    edited January 31

    I use the numberpad to switch cameras.

    Post edited by ralencar on
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