FLUIDOS plugin for Carrara -- version 1.4 update

AlbertoAlberto Posts: 1,415
edited January 2019 in Carrara Discussion

The fluid simulation plugin for Carrara, FLUIDOS, is released now (Windows x64 and x86, and also MacOS 64 bits)

Free at sharecg. https://www.sharecg.com/v/90155/view/9/Plug-in/Fluidos

Here, a video tutorial by Phil Wilkes.

Merry Christmas to all !




Version 1.1

Now, the depth in hierarchy is unlimited. Anything can be parented inside the Fluid Domain at any level.
Fluid Domain can be scaled using Overall (or its equivalent in Scale tool).
FluidS now can resize the diffuse particles (the default is 1.0)
A Range force slider allows to “thicken” the extent of the surface forces to one or two cells away the solid (default is one).
The user could now turn off OpenCL.
It was implemented three more GridFluidSim3d diffuse particles features: maximum lifetime, wavecrest emission rate, turbulence emission rate. The default values are the current ones in Fluidos 1.01
The manual is updated.
Some bugs fixed.

Thanks Phil again for the testing!



These are the new features and changes of version 1.2

  • Viscous fluids simulation available.
  • Some advanced features are now available.
  • FluidS modifier is faster.
  • The triangle diffuse particles geometry is fixed.
  • Triangle particles can be oriented to camera now.
  • A memory leak in FluidS was fixed.
  • And some other bugs was fixed.

The updated manual explain details. I add two scenes in the files. In addition, there is a template for texture maps in shaders for the diffuse particles triangles.

The version is for Windows 64 and 32 bits too.

Thanks to PhilW and Imago for the beta testing.


    • Faster and less memory needed for objects only partially inside the Fluid Domain
    • Added an adjust factor for high precision viscosity simulations.
    • The smoothing is better in the interfaces liquid-solid when there are curved obstacles (smooth the “stairs”).
    • Expanded the limits of particle emission rates sliders and Smoothing iterations.
    • Reduced the limits of Particle jitter factor to avoid crashes,
    • Reorganized the Fluid Domain parameters tab.
    • Added functionality for animated solids (they can push fluid now).
    • Added functionality for spatially variable viscosity

Bugs fixed:

    • Flow force didn’t work in many scenes.
    • Point force didn’t work properly as square inverse (this was a subtle bug).
    • If an obstacle with a surface force was initially outside the domain, the plugin stops with an error when the obstacle reaches the domain.
    • Every second frame, the body forces (gravity) were applied two times.
    • If the chosen preferred device was CPU and the simulation was stopped and resumed, the device automatically was changed to GPU.
    • Diffuse particles simulation sometimes could crash the plugin.
    • CFL condition number didn’t work properly

Now most redo of old simulations will have somehow different results. But the differences can be lessen by multiplying by 1.5 the gravity in old scenes.
Another difference is the times of simulation. They can be larger as a result of the CFL condition number fixing, but they’ll be more accurate and won’t need to use larger FPS to get better results, the sofware itself will adapt the internal substeps to compensate. Setting CFL to 0.0 disables it.
The plugin doesn’t work correctly with an AMD R7 240 videocard and others. Nevertheless, in this case, the user could select CPU as preferred device (or may disable OpenCL).

Thanks to PhilW and Imago for the beta testing.


Fixed these bugs:

  • Some graphics cards were incompatible with the plugin.
  • Diffuse particles quantity sometimes decreases during simulation and, then, suddenly increases to limit in one frame.
  • Positive surface forces were insensible to intensity.
  • Simulations with moving obstacles enabled, sometimes are unstable (disproportionate turbulence, explosions, etc.)

New Features:

  • Anything is source: any object can be a source (or a sink).
  • Cuboid source and Anything is source can be spatially discontinous.
  • The OpenCL simulations are around 30 % faster.
  • The simulations can use presets.
  • Line forces.
  • Spatially variable viscosity now with viscosity controls.
  • New options for objects parented to Fluidos Domain (viscosity control and ignored).
  • Support also for MacOS 64 bits.
Post edited by Alberto on


  • JamyJamy Posts: 192
    edited December 2017

    Merci Alberto,

    Joyeux Noël ☃❄

    bien que, une fois de plus, ce n'est QUE pour Windos ????


    Thank you Alberto,


    although, once again, this is only for Windos ????

    Post edited by Jamy on
  • yes and a happy new year

    I know what I will be doing boxing day cheeky

    thank you heart

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    Thank you Alberto! laugh A happy Christmas to you and yours,

    And a happy Christmas to everybody! and merry rendering!

  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,024
    edited December 2017


    Merry Christmas!

    More info and videos about the simulator:



    Original thread with some more info: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/202391/fluids-in-carrara-and-a-plugin-by-alberto-is-coming/p1

    Some more example videos by PhilW in Carrara with FLUIDOS:

    And a few from Alberto in Carrara with FLUIDOS:



    Post edited by 3drendero on
  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945

    Thank you Santa Alberto!

    and also thank you to PhilW for his tuto!

    Merry Christmas everybody!

  • Merry Christmas!

    I saw the notification for this from ShareCG just as I was heading out the door to my sister's for Christmas breakffast and had to go back inside and download it - can't wait to get home tonight and start playing with it! laugh

  • Jetbird D2Jetbird D2 Posts: 97
    edited December 2017


    Post edited by Jetbird D2 on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,328

    Awesome! Thanks Alberto!

    Merry Christmas to you (and yours) too! Well played, my friend!

    3drendero, thanks for the added links and videos! Rock On, and Happy Holidays to all!

  • I had a quick go

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,226

    Looks great, many thanks.

  • Thank you Very much and merry cristmass

    New Fluid Plugin to carrara and new Hex Great begining for the new year laugh

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,057
    edited December 2017

    I cannot get it to collide with my bath proxy (or my attach skeleton Gianni proxy for that matter though can understand that one maybe)

    the bath is a solid no holes I made a unified skin and zremeshed it as I did Gianni

    1936 x 1048 - 338K
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • video

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,144

    I have been discussing this wit Wendy and it seems to be the relative size of the thickness of the bath to the grid size - the grid needs to be small enough to "see" the thickness. If you don't want too fine a grid size, you could look to create a proxy object with extra thickness.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,144

    Alberto has posted a fix for a small bug that I found - see top original post for his edit and the new file.

  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,024
    PhilW said:

    I have been discussing this wit Wendy and it seems to be the relative size of the thickness of the bath to the grid size - the grid needs to be small enough to "see" the thickness. If you don't want too fine a grid size, you could look to create a proxy object with extra thickness.

    I also had to make some meshes thicker in the PyCloid fluid sim, to avoid leaks.
    Though a completely different fluid sim, so it may not be the same problem.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,057
    edited December 2017

    it collides now but he certainly is being frugal with his water

    now I know I can delete my first domain and its proxy objects from the scene I may retry with other settings and less in the scene after rendering this paddle in a puddle!

    Gianni bath0017.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 625K
    Gianni bath0272.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 572K
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,328

    I would try to do it all separate. I haven't been home much, so haven't been able to test it yet, but I would likely do the water sim all by itself:

    • Set the field and grid to "test" parameters to start with and just use a proxy object to use as a leg with a foot on the end - no more than that.
    • Work the sim of the fot and leg working its way into the water
    • Tweak the field and grid to work well for the simulated effect to work with all of the needed camera angles and get the high quality simulation
    • When it looks good, make the proxy foot and leg invisible to the render (as well as anything else in the scene) and render the simulation with all of the camera angles I need
    • Repeat the above for some water spilling over the edge of something (for water spilling over the edge of the tub)
    • Make the actual scene with a plane mesh shaped to fit the tub which uses the same water shader as the sim
    • Have the actual Gianni work his way into the tub, keeping the camera angle true to the simulation
    • Raise the water plane as he gets into the tub
    • Render
    • Composite the simulated water renders into the rendered beauty pass with the real Gianni and tub


    Like I said, I haven't tried the plugin yet, so I haven't seen what it's like after the simulation is completed.

    I'm imagining that, once the simulation is complete, we can grab it and move it around, perhaps resize it, etc., and if that's the case we could plunk various simulation about the scene instead of having to composite (?)

    I personally like the idea of being able to make my own rendered effects for the purposes of compositing. So for a scene like this, I might just make a simulation of the foot entering the water. The simulation render would actually only be rendering the simulated effect either using Alpha or some other keyable method, but even using a mask for compositing works nicely too. 

    So just like in a movie or on TV:

    Camera Inside the bathroom looking at the closed door. The door opens.

    Camera over the shoulder of the character walking through the door into the room.

    Camera closeup of the hand turning off the water.

    Camera pan following the face, standing back up, capturing the expression going on in the character's head - whatever the story is telling.

    Back to the camera that showed the hand turn off the water, pan slightly to capture the foot tipping its way into the water.

    Back to the face

    Back to the over-the-shoulder for a second to show that he's testing the temperature with his foot

    Back to the foot going into the water but this time that foot is already standing on the floor of the tub and the second foot is adjusting to the heat as it slips into the water

    If I felt that it was important that water spilled over the edge, I'd now capture about three-quarters of the tub from a lower angle (actual surface water not visible) as he sits down in the tub and the water spills over the side


    So in this way, I could do some fairly high-intensity calculated simulations of an ivisble proxy dabbing into water to use on the foot scenes, which I would composite onto a render of the foot passing into the water plane mesh. Another high-end simulation for spilling water to composite into the scene where he sits down in the tub.

    Here's a practical example:

    For this scene, which uses many camera angles stitched together, none of the water splashes were actually done in the action scene environment. It's all composited into the shot after rendering.

    This is an excellent example of what I intend to do with this thing - make verious splashes and such, rendered at my preferred camera angles.

    For me, I'll be using spherical background for the water shader with a black backdrop for ease in compositing. I could even save the scenes after rendering in case I need a different backdrop or alpha shot, multipass element, whatever.

  •  My video

    and yes still much to try and now I know I can delete the original domain and proxies much more possibilities

  • AlbertoAlberto Posts: 1,415

    I'm imagining that, once the simulation is complete, we can grab it and move it around, perhaps resize it, etc., and if that's the case we could plunk various simulation about the scene instead of having to composite (?)

    Yes, you can do all of that.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,062
    edited December 2017

    Nice! Palying with it! Thanks a lot, man!!! wink

    Post edited by Imago on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,144

    Don't forget you can also use the fluid source to get water into your scene in addition to converting a solid, so you could locate that at one of the taps and run the bath first.  A "sink" object is also available for draining the bath.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,144

    Another set of tests of Fluidos in Carrara, no common theme just a set of mini-scenes - I hope you like them!

  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945

    Nice Phil!

    What are the lines on the bottom in the first sequence?

    It's time to make a second tutos for all of the options...

    Q/ how can we have a higher resolution for the fluid?

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,144

    The fluid sim is based on a grid of virtual particles and the lines on the bottom are caused by how the grid interacts with the sloping surface - a bit like aliasing on a sloping line in a 2D drawing program. If this was a production piece, raising the base slightly to hide the stepping would sort out this issue. I think quite a lot of production would be done by doing a sim with lo-res proxies and then either adding the actual objects or compositing the fluid sim into the final inage.

    yes I might so another tutorial but probably not in the next couple of days. It's Christmas 2 in our house tomorrow! ("Just when you thought it was safe....")

    To get a higher resolution in the fluid, use a smaller grid size - with the proviso that if you halve the grid size, it will take 8 times as long to calculate and require 8 times the memory/storage. Don't forget that adding the Diffuse Particles can produce fine spray and foam which can give the impression of a higher resolution sim than was actually the case.

  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945

    Thank you Phil, I'll look this deeply next week.

    Happy new year!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,328

    Very, Very, Very cool!

  • the terrain flow and the figure transformed into water is just so cool yes

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,328
    th3Digit said:

    the terrain flow and the figure transformed into water is just so cool yes

    Absolutely! yes

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