Fathers Day Coupon Nonsense

What the ?????
In the process of checking out an item, I copied and pasted FATH3RS-DAY-2012 into the Discount Codes field and clicked the 'apply coupon' button. The response was 'Coupon code "FATH3RS-DAY-2012" is not valid'.
So, I pasted it into the Gift Cards field, and it seemed to accept it, as I then proceeded to Checkout, where I completed the Billing Information, and proceeded to Payment Information. The Checkout did not reflect the coupon discount.
So, I went thru' the checkout again, and this time when I pasted it into the Gift Cards field, I got the message 'Wrong gift card code'.
Geeeez !!
I went thru' this ridiculous song and dance with nothing to show for it....
How to fix this ?
There are instructions (with screenshots) here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/2219/
The coupon seems to be working for me (I haven't checked out yet, though).
I did all of this.
How do I get this coupon back ?
I got it to work without any troubles. It only works on DAZ Original items that have a price >$5.
If you meet those criteria, I can't help you sorry - file a support ticket.
Did you make sure you don't have any blank spaces before or after the actual words? It does go in the coupon code area, not the gc one..
If you try to use it on a non DAZ Original you will get the error. I used the coupon with no problem following the instructions given.