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OK, fine! Here's my final wip image. As I said in the beginning, I decided to make this into a fairy image for my new fairy series, so I did. The fairy is a V4 using just about every morph she's got. The texture comes from RDNA from a vendor called Arki. The texture set comes in a bundle called Orchid Faes. Only beginning to scratch the surface with that bundle. Her hair is Carrara dynamic hair created by yours truly.
This is the final image straight out of Carrara before post work. I'm going to run over to the contest thread and post the final in a bit.
that's one fine image David, the foreground reminds me of some PreRaphalite work I have seen.
There's some great images popping up in the challenge thread.
:) (that's a smile gif)
It's heartwarming to see the wonderful work that Carrara can produce!
Thanks. This challenge has been great fun. I've learned how to do things I'd never have considered before. It's given me confidence to branch out a bit with Carrara. Can't wait for the next challenge!
Ugh! I had hoped to participate in the WIP thread more than I have. The last month has just been murder, and the rest of the summer may be as well.
Anyway, I do have a scene that I will enter. I wanted to do more with it, but I've run out of time. As soon as it finishes, I'll post it. For you Aussies, it's the 16th here in North America.
BAA! Same here, EP! =/ Summer is a terrible time to keep me inside and sitting at my computer!
I really like the entries for this competition, and have some "How did you ...?" questions I want to get to in the next few days. Maybe there will be some follow-on participation now that we've anted up our entries. ;-)
TBH, plants wither at my touch IRL, so I've never given landscape design a second thought. Maybe I'll revisit that notion since I had so much fun creating this layout. Again, I've gotten a great deal from this, and already am looking forward to the next round.
Good luck to everyone who has entered!
If you use stuff from him, please remember it's donationware. Even a few bucks, but something.
Nobiax has been trying to get some income for ads, but I'm not sure he has any success. I think he should be encouraged to carry on the good work he is doing.
If you use stuff from him, please remember it's donationware. Even a few bucks, but something.
Nobiax has been trying to get some income for ads, but I'm not sure he has any success. I think he should be encouraged to carry on the good work he is doing.
Thanks for pointing that out. He's got a lot of good stuff there. I'm also looking at his textures. Like I said, a ton of useful stuff. I will remember about the donation.
Just a Reminder :)
ENTRIES CLOSE: 12 Midnight 17th June Daz Utah Time
still plenty of time, in Daz Utah it's only
great stuff :) thanks to all those who are participating :)
HAH! I'm worse than you.
I just entered two images and this is my first post in this thread.
I am looking for suggestions for the voting part please :) .
For a start, I think it;'s bad form if someone were to win two/three prizes, so we need to make sure that doesn't happen.
This is what I had in mind:
1) Open voting - anyone can vote.
2) Lasts for 7 days - gives everyone a chance to vote.
3) You can vote for up to three IMAGESs in order of 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
4) and also vote for a honourable mention (that will help Dart choose the honourable mention)
5) You cannot vote for the same artist twice.
6) Your vote as 1st gives that artist 3 points, 2nd gives the artist 2 points, a vote for 3rd gives the artist 1 point.
7) Voting will be fluid so you can change your vote at any time up until closure - that will keep people in suspenders :)
8) If an artist wins two prizes the lesser of the two prizes will go on to the next most popular image - and so on.
Please let me know if this is sounding unworkable. Thanks in advance :)
Also I wondered if people with entries would mind putting a number on their work if they haven't please?
PS de3an I hope you are entering your spring flowers :)
And Dart, you aren't allowed to sit this one out just because you are a sponsor :)
ahh all the smileys are dead!
No, in all seriousness - being a sponsor, I have decided to ride this out from the sidelines anyways! I'll keep on a chiselin' stone while ye folks tend them plants, aye?
Finally done chiseling stone (for that job) so I can get back to tending my plants. Many families have added our garden to their stops while vacationing here. It's an honor to me - so many of them get a custom, fresh-cut my Dartan, hand-held bouquet. They're really cool, and my garden always has lovelies blooming that go well together in a bouquet. I've been a Landscape Foreman for many, many years. Stonework has become so popular up here, and I have a very artistic, old-school style, so I get precious few hours in a month dealing with plant design, placement, and installation. So over the past twelve years or so, my own yard has become my after-hours joy when I'm not cranking out animation files from Carrara. Gruff guys will be walking their girls by our house while Rosie's weeding or watering. "Oh you have a beautiful garden", my wife gets up and gestures toward me: "It's him. He builds, I maintain", which is where I jump in and say "Without maintenance, it turns to weeds" and a great conversation ensues and the gruff guy breaks from his gruff exterior and starts showing his more humane side, soaking in everything I'm instructing as I hand him a few pots holding the plants I've just dug up for him to take home and plant. It's really cool when these guys (and gals) come back to garden talk some more. Our place is quite inspirational as the air is made sweet by our friends growing in soil I've perfected over the years. Our babbling brook is unrecognizable to what I've posted on YouTube just last year, after I made it. Our amazing dwarf birch tree is really taking off and the perennials are mostly in their third year, which is the year that they 'leap'! Looks great!
Oh my, I'm babbling and Rosie's watching TV alone... now that's a crime. She's too darn cute to miss while she watches TV!
See ya
Oh... and I'm not entering this really cool contest. I love it, though. You all have done some brilliant work, and I'm glad that I don't have to actually try and judge this thing. Honorable mention is going to be tough. So many styles, so much excellence in variety of ways to answer the call, as set forth by Head Wax. The great scenes that evolve to fit around the answer each artist has come up with - from even more use of hand-made Carrara stuff, to using some of the great products from Daz3d and I've seen some freebie use in there too.
Good fortune to you all...
Oh, and I really like the voting rules, myself.
Oh... and if you think I can babble in text, you should see how I carry on in person! Whew!
Edited somewhat, I still go on pretty good in these videos about "Carrara EnvironKits - Woodlands", one of the prizes to be had by winning this thing.
Would it not be better to just allow one vote per person and award first place to the to the entrant with the most votes, second place to the one with the second most votes, and so on?
Could a forum moderator set up a poll in this thread for us to vote with? That way the voting would be anonymous.
As to my spring flowers image... I discovered that the spring shape that I used had been created in Hexagon (I had saved it in my browser and reused it for this image).
The background ivy was created using Fenric's ivy generator plug-in, and on further thought, might not be acceptable to use for the contest.
So, I disqualified myself.
I agree. One vote per person. Should simplify the process for counting votes and for deciding who to vote for.
If entrants have a cool plant or shader they want to share, that would be awesome!
Too bad, de3an. I really liked the image. =(
For what it's worth, I'm good with all the suggested rules, with the following proposed changes/additions:
1) Votes should not be anonymous to be sure each person votes once.
2) Get DAZ to sticky the thread so it's easier for people to find.
3) Votes are posted. Each person can edit your votes on the one post you start.
4) Votes are tallied and summarized in the first post so everyone can see the running score. (I personally don't wear suspenders, Head, but I'll get some if it helps the voting....)
5) With Head's rule #8 in effect, I would be okay with allowing people to vote for 2 by the same artist; i.e., drop Head's rule #5.
Thanks again Head for putting this all together. Well thought out and executed.
Thought I'd share a few images I created using a completely different modeling tool than Carrara along the theme of plants and gardens. These were done using MANDELBULB3D, V1.82, a free 3D modeling tool.
It would be great if Daz would expand their concept and definition of what an "object" is, but I won't even attempt to pout about it.
Still, the thought of doing 3D Mandelbulb images inside Carrara .... *SIGH*
No, in all seriousness - being a sponsor, I have decided to ride this out from the sidelines anyways! I'll keep on a chiselin' stone while ye folks tend them plants, aye?
Finally done chiseling stone (for that job) so I can get back to tending my plants. Many families have added our garden to their stops while vacationing here. It's an honor to me - so many of them get a custom, fresh-cut my Dartan, hand-held bouquet. They're really cool, and my garden always has lovelies blooming that go well together in a bouquet. I've been a Landscape Foreman for many, many years. Stonework has become so popular up here, and I have a very artistic, old-school style, so I get precious few hours in a month dealing with plant design, placement, and installation. So over the past twelve years or so, my own yard has become my after-hours joy when I'm not cranking out animation files from Carrara. Gruff guys will be walking their girls by our house while Rosie's weeding or watering. "Oh you have a beautiful garden", my wife gets up and gestures toward me: "It's him. He builds, I maintain", which is where I jump in and say "Without maintenance, it turns to weeds" and a great conversation ensues and the gruff guy breaks from his gruff exterior and starts showing his more humane side, soaking in everything I'm instructing as I hand him a few pots holding the plants I've just dug up for him to take home and plant. It's really cool when these guys (and gals) come back to garden talk some more. Our place is quite inspirational as the air is made sweet by our friends growing in soil I've perfected over the years. Our babbling brook is unrecognizable to what I've posted on YouTube just last year, after I made it. Our amazing dwarf birch tree is really taking off and the perennials are mostly in their third year, which is the year that they 'leap'! Looks great!
Oh my, I'm babbling and Rosie's watching TV alone... now that's a crime. She's too darn cute to miss while she watches TV!
See ya
Oh... and I'm not entering this really cool contest. I love it, though. You all have done some brilliant work, and I'm glad that I don't have to actually try and judge this thing. Honorable mention is going to be tough. So many styles, so much excellence in variety of ways to answer the call, as set forth by Head Wax. The great scenes that evolve to fit around the answer each artist has come up with - from even more use of hand-made Carrara stuff, to using some of the great products from Daz3d and I've seen some freebie use in there too.
Good fortune to you all...
Oh, and I really like the voting rules, myself.
Bummer Dart I was looking forward to seeing what you came up with!!!
But I can see that you have been super busy doing those vids :)
Great stuff! You must be stoked to have such a good product at the end of your labours.
Thanks so much for your sponsorship and kindness - and yes, doing the honourable mention willbe super hard - better you than me (smiley here)!
de3an, evil and FD, thank you for your input!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
de3an, yes it's a bummer about the spring flowers . loved that image.
Ah, the reason I suggested people voting for upto 3 images is that....
1) There is always the possibility that one person will get all the votes - a long shot I admit.
2) It means that if a voter is umming and ahhing between two images then they can also cast a vote for the
one they ahhed over as well as the one they ummed over - knowing their vot will make a difference.
3) Credo, - I've been in enough surf contests and been knocked out early in the rounds to know that a repercharge is a good idea - in another words - it's always nice to know that you are in the runninga and still have a chance - and to have your work "aknowledged". Admittedly it would make the counting simpler if there was only one vote.
4) Anonanimity is a good idea but I didn't want to involve Daz more than necessary - it's good to see that we can run our own show without the 'help' of a moderator - I think it's gone very smoothly so far!!! Personally I won't be hurt or hold a grudge if some-one picks one image over another. I'm just happy to be involved in such a good community.
I think that the next challenge, with what we have learnt in this one, everything will be a lot easier, as we know what to expect. Of course the person hosting the next challenge gets to chose the rules etc.
I'll think about everything given the very welcome input!!!
thanks again
PS Fractal Dimension they are unreal renders :) thanks for the heads up on MANDELBULB3D, V1.82
Well, it's been a great month for our first ever Carrara Challenge "WELCOME TO MY GARDEN".
An enormous thanks to everyone who entered, or participated in this WIP thread.
An an equally enormous thanks to our kind and generous sponsors DAZ and DARTANBECK.
And now it's time for voting! Please feel free to vote on who you think rendered the best image in Carrara.
Just a recap of the challenge criteria and prizes to help you in your choice:
As far as voting:
1) Open voting - anyone can vote.
2) Voting lasts for 7 days - this gives everyone a chance to vote.
3) You can vote for up to two IMAGES. Each vote is one point.
4) Please specify the artist,image title (if available) and/or Number.
5) Feel free to vote for a honourable mention (that will help Dart choose the honourable mention)
6) You can vote for the same artist twice.
7) Voting will be fluid so you can change your vote at any time up until closure .
8) If an artist wins two prizes the lesser of the two prizes will go on to the next most popular image - and so on.
Links: DARTANBECK'S Carrara EnviroKit - Woodlands thread here:
Dartenback! That's a cool take n my name! LOL
Man... Trying to get to deciding my overall favorite is the hardest part. One day, THIS one really floors me, while it still does, THAT one is super freakin cool as well! Darn! I think I might try making a list of all of the artists and making a post of all of their names, so I can go back and forth over the week. Awesome job done by all! So many different styles.
I guess, according to the Aim, is to create a cool image. So it is the image that I'm supposed to vote on? Sometimes, I'd like to vote on the "Cool!" factor of the ingenuity that went into the creation of the scene. One artist claims that his image might not really hit the Aim of the contest. I don't see that in his image - I thought he was referring to the Aim being a garden, and his image is a bee in a flower - but that flower is not often found outside of a garden, while some images don't really seem much like a garden.
Before we start taking "Garden" into account, (to each his own, though), nearly anywhere where there is something can be considered a garden, of sorts. If a little kid told me that the stone she placed by the sidewalk was her garden, I would believe her. And if she believes herself, then she's right. It's a garden - even though it's only a rock. So I guess we should just vote on what we like the best.
I am saying all of this because I would like to know if anyone disagrees - or has other opinions to help in this determination.
My backyard is a rock and twig garden. Every morning new rocks and twigs have appeared. lol I'm very successful at growing them.
This one I blame on Sockratease... (insert smiley ...)
I just had to try out the glass shader idea, that is, it is the ice shader that came with Carrara.
For the trees I only lowered the transparency a bit.
Just one light.
Haven't voted for the pictures yet. It's hard to decide....
I like that! Neat use of trees!
wow those trees look almost real, thanks for the heads up Socrates et Varsel on this :) (smiley)
Sorry about that, I have vowel duslexia, and get my 'a's and 'ee's mixed up.
Or is that 'ee's and 'a's?
I thunk the davol meda ma di ot!
I have bowel dyslexia so can sympathise
I get EVERYING arse up!!
he heh heh, that's very funny Wendy :)
Hi everybody,
Just a thought. If we consider that one of the goal of this contest is to help promoting Carrara, maybe we could reuse some of the work done.
I was thinking about building a kind of repository of freebies taken from the original work that was done for this contest, along with the pictures illustrating their use. It would add nicely to the default content shipped with Carrara.
What do you think of it ?
Hi Philemo, it's a great idea with a few provisos.
There would be some things to work out, someone would need to "orchestrate " it.
I Think that Carrara cafe has a way of sharing files . So it would help drive traffic to that site.
Some of us are working towards publication of sorts, so using my Elephant as an example, I'd be quite happy to share it, simple as it is, but there is a small chance that it and other similar shapes might appear in a children's book (There's also a larger chance that it will not ... !) .
I think tutorials showing how things are made or done would be of even more value.
Thanks again for your very welcome participation too.!
Looking forward to the next challenge. :)
So am I.
Glad to see the idea in use!
Personally, I find the render a bit too realistic - but I never liked realism in Art.
However, you did a great job hiding the Cow in that image!! I looked and looked, but couldn't find it.
Glad to see the idea in use!
Personally, I find the render a bit too realistic - but I never liked realism in Art.
However, you did a great job hiding the Cow in that image!! I looked and looked, but couldn't find it.
It's so realistic, you have to listen for it.