Script: Create Morphs from Poser PMD Files

EsemwyEsemwy Posts: 578

I've read a lot of discussion on this, having purchased P.I.C.K. SciFi on Rendo, and subsequently losing all the morphs when bringing the props into DS. Maybe my google-fu was off, but I couldn't find a working solution. I did, however find a number of partial solutions and a lot of good information.

I present, therefore, a true franken-script. With guidance from a Python script found on shareg, information in a thread started by @algovincian here on the forums, and a library found by extensive google-fu, I've produced "PoserPMDLoader." The script does no verification to ensure that it's being used on the correct prop, and I've only tested it with P.I.C.K. SciFi props, so consider yourself warned.


  • Load or import your prop/figure into Studio
  • Launch "PoserPMDLoader"
  • Select the corresponding PMD file from the Open File dialog
  • Enjoy your new morphs


  • Download the files linked below
  • Name them "PoserPMDLoader.dsa" and ""PoserPMDLoader.png" respectively
  • Copy them to your content library under Scripts.


91 x 91 - 7K


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Thank you, Esemwy. I'm certain I will find a good use for this from time to time.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,032


  • good idea! TY

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,405
    edited January 2022

    ah, am i glad i finally found you/this thread! i couldn't remember where i had your pmd loader from as i wrote it...

    since i can't write double posts, do you mind looking at this?

    it's about this:

    EDIT: i think it doesn't work because i don't have the proper tiger morph in the first place, i had misunderstood how essential it was. so i guess that's the problem. sorry.

    Post edited by manekiNeko on
  • khorneV2khorneV2 Posts: 146

    thanks very usefull !

  • EsemwyEsemwy Posts: 578

    @manekiNeko your theory sounds reasonabld, but I heard from one persone a while back that the script had stopped working under a newer version of Studio. For me, the script worked when I needed it, but it's entirely possible that it will work for no other purpose than my initial need without some modifications.

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,405

    Esemwy said:

    @manekiNeko your theory sounds reasonabld, but I heard from one persone a while back that the script had stopped working under a newer version of Studio. For me, the script worked when I needed it, but it's entirely possible that it will work for no other purpose than my initial need without some modifications.

    well, i have quite an "old" version of studio - 4.11, might even have been the one back in 2018 as you wrote the script. as 4.12 came out it was buggy for a while, so i waited. then i dunno, real life and stuff, i missed 4.13+14. and then came 4.15, with issues for ppl that have old machines, and i was doomed. so yeah, still on 4.11.

    as to the issue with this free morph, we had quite an unpleasant rendo forum exchange with the person who made the morph, who pretty much threw in my face repeatedly the fact that i hadn't read "for the hw tiger, tiger morph needed"... but at least i know now that essentially it's not supposed to work without the tiger. i expected it would just be applicable to the big cat alone but would look very ugly/deformed (it was just a curiosity test i made), so i'd still have to wait until i purchase the required tiger morph. as for pmd, maybe then it wouldn't work at all, or absolutely properly. who knows. meanwhile, i have given up on that freebie after this comment exchange, i can't use it without having an unpleasant feeling now anyways, which is not the point of fun 3d rendering :/ - i hope cwrw will create a real DS compatible sabertooth tiger at some point ^^ - or i'll get one of AM's big toothy felines here, as half of his menagerie is wishlisted anyways (just waiting to get rich, lol)

    thanks anyways for creating this script in the 1st place ^^

  • Thank you very usefull


  • CriosCrios Posts: 2,739
    edited March 2022

    Someone has used it in DAZ 4.15?

    Post edited by Crios on
  • gibbiejoegibbiejoe Posts: 50

    Has someone used it in DAZ 4.20?

  • Amazon12Amazon12 Posts: 67

    gibbiejoe said:

    Has someone used it in DAZ 4.20?

    I have, but doesn't work

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    I really hope this is the ticket.  I made some morphs for making Prae's Morana Hair to look more relaxed on male figures and my attempts for getting that from Poser to DAZ Studio were nil.  If this can do the job I'll be SO HAPPY!  Thanks again! 


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    Nope, didn't work for me.  Hung up DS for about 15 minutes and then I gave up!  Shame!  :-(

  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,849

    There's still Dimension3D's Binary Morph Editor over at Rendo that might do the job for you.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    I have that.  I didn't know it could export to another format! 

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,531
    edited February 2023

    Can I offer a brute ignorance and force method?

    1. In Poser, export the hair as an obj file in its default position.
    2. Set each morph in succession to 100% and export that as an obj file.
    3. Load the base shape as an object, convert to figure and transfer an appropriate base figure's rigging with the transfer utility.
    4. Load in the morph obj files using the morph loader utility.
    5. Fit to the appropriate base character and save as a wearable preset.

    It's painful and slow, but I did get Jim Burton's Las Vegas hair onto G8 this way. If you don't have Poser.. obviously my suggestion is a complete and utter waste of time, and I apologize.



    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,849

    RAMWolff said:

    I have that.  I didn't know it could export to another format! 

    It can do INJ/REM poses. At least it says so.

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,886

    PMD and INJ/REM are useless if you are working on the DS version of the hair, you need an OBJ of the morph and use MLP to get it in.

    They are just as useless if you are using the Poser version of the hair in DS, PMD will only be loaded when called from a CR2, and custom morph INJ/REM need custom morph channels to exist in the item, otherwise nothing will INJect.

    This is the main reason I was never a fan of Dawn, getting morphs made for the Poser version into the DS version was a lot of work, especially if you didn't have Poser 9+.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    Yes, that's what I ended up doing.  Exporting each of the three morphs from Poser as obj files and loaded them in to DS.  Worked fine!  

  • CriosCrios Posts: 2,739

    But, if you haven't poser?

  • lukon100lukon100 Posts: 792

    I used it to convert the morphs of this simple lo-poly bird Poser prop, in Daz Studio 4.11:

  • SummonerSummoner Posts: 82
    edited August 12

    In order to use older Poser models that have the morphs written in PMD you will just need to save a copy of the desidered model in Poser it self. 

    Load the figure in Poser, load the morphs if they are not already in the figure it self. Often the Morphs if not seperate Packages are already a part of the model but saved with a seperate Pmd Loader, this shortens the load time in poser.

    Now that you have your figure loaded in Poser save it as a copy , turn off the option in general preferences, Misc, use external binary morph target before saving a copy. Your new copy will now have the morphs geometry loaded ( Integrated ) in the Cr2 PP2 and will load just fine in Daz Studio.

    Note: after Poser 11 the morph geometry is written a little differently in the Cr2, it means that morphs written as masterdials will not work in DS, in order to avoid this phenomenon you need to make a save in Poser 2014. Masterdials are not really morphs these are a setting that controlls different morphs or controlers at once, used for interactive movements.

    This is the easiest method and will make sure that the morph will work as it was meant to be. other methods like a Pmd editor will not assign the correct settings if converted into a Jnj geometry target script. Saving the morph as Obj might also not work if the Pmd Morph assigns additional scaling, rotations, translations these will be set to zero in the obj save and not loaded. 

    Post edited by Summoner on
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