Loading non Daz model?
Most of my models come from the Daz sight, but I found an airplane on another site and managed to get it loaded. One problem: while the model and textures are working, none of the rigging is. I just see the model in the scene file, not any parts so I can't make the prop spin or raise landing gears. Is this what an FBX while would do?
If the rigging was done in another application, it is not unusual that it will not work in DAZ Studio. Often each application has its own conventions for rigging and other attributes and FBX is not really a conversion, but a generic format. So, if you have managed to get the model into DAZ Studio with the textures intact, you are doing well. If you want rigging, you will need to do that yourself in Studio, I'm afraid.
What format is the model in?
It is an .obj file...so probably no rigging information. I didn't know you could rig in Daz and will look into that. I assume that would involve the geometry selection tool and then somehow separating that geomtry (the prop for example) as a separate item?