Trying to learn how to render/model/rig

I'm extremely new at all of THIS and I'm at a lost at this whole new world of art. I'm willing to learn everything I can by whatever means. My goal is to learn how to model, texture and rig my own stuff. I could empty my pockets for things that look "close enough" to what I want or I could just learn to make my own stuff for nothing but time. Not only that but my situation (computer) isn't so good for trying this. I believe if I have the art I need I can fully illistrate the way my stories are in my head, so I don't have to empty my pockets once more for an on-staff artist. If I'm rambling too much I'm sorry, I just need to get my full point across.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited January 2018


    For model making, you will need an external software. Hexagon comes free from DAZ, but this thread might also give you some ideas:

    As for the rest, if you haven't already, watch the tutorial videos for beginners:

    I can also reommend the new user contests. Don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds. They have a speciofic topic and you create a render for it. You post your WIP and problems, and you get feedback so you can improve your image. That is about the best thing you can get when it comes to learning the ropes.

    Also, here's some basic information in regards to Iray:

    Oh, and one word of advice: Iray (if you want to go for that "realistic" type of look) is a resource-hungry beast. If you want halfway decent render times, you will need an nVidea graphic cards with a minimum of 4GB VRAM, but for larger scenes, it would fall bach to CPU and glacial render times.

    Also, from my own experience, you have a ton of stuff to learn just making the renders "look great". I am trying to get things working for about three years, and only rencently felt comfortable enough to start posting my webcomic (see link below). You really have to think about what you need for a project, what you can do yourself, and how much time you need to do to create what you want. The way to get your renders look like you want is one that has a lot of frustrations and such negative stuff, but also great moments of Wow! and being happy with what you see.

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • MortuneMortune Posts: 12
    BeeMKay said:

    Also, from my own experience, you have a ton of stuff to learn just making the renders "look great". I am trying to get things working for about three years, and only rencently felt comfortable enough to start posting my webcomic (see link below). You really have to think about what you need for a project, what you can do yourself, and how much time you need to do to create what you want. The way to get your renders look like you want is one that has a lot of frustrations and such negative stuff, but also great moments of Wow! and being happy with what you see.

    Well in terms of time I have more than my lotted amount of it. So long as I can stay focused on a single thing it never takes me more than day of two, three if the rendering gives me trouble. As for the frustration, I'm already ahead of the curve with it. Still, I can't stay pissed off at a computer for long when I do loose it. As soon as I can afford a proper modeling program and graphics card, I'll be able to do what I want as fast as I want. Until my house blacks out from overheating the fusebox lol.

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