Add scars, wounds + monster elements to skin

I want add scars, wounds + monster elements to skin. I have Photoshop CC and merchant skin pack (+daz3d default skins ofc). What else I need (budget 0€ if possible)? :)


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Technically you shouldn't really need anything else to get started. You either create your scars, wounds, etc. as layers added to your skin maps in photoshop (always work with copies, not your original maps), or you could create those items on transparent backgrounds and add them using the Layered Image Editor (L.I.E.) in DAZ Studio. You will want to create bump, displacement or normal maps to correspond to your added elements to create relief, but that can be done after a fashion in Photoshop without using a separate application initially. Later, you may wish to look into utilities that will produce those extra maps automatically based upon your diffuse maps, but you might get a little experience under your belt creating convincing effects first, as it is not as easy as it might seem.

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