Posing packages
It seems that poses are actually gender netral. Poses meant for a female can be used on a male and vice versa. Correct me if I am wrong.
The question is does a pose package that says it is for a G3 female be used by a G8 male? I don't want to buy a package and then find out it doesn't work. Am I limited to just G8 poses for a G8 figure? Maybe there are some problems encountered when doing this?
In fact there do tend to be some differences as women usually have a lower centre of gravity than men. This has come up when a pose maker has used their own stance as a model for poses for the opposite sex.
How well a pose will transfer varies - if it has one body part in contact with another (such as hands on hips) then it is likely to be very specific, it probably won't even work without adjustment even for another shape of the target figure, while a pose which has body parts away from each other is more likely to work.
My advice, for what it is worth, is to buy products designed for the figure for which you intend to use them. If you already have products that are designed for one figure and wish to use them on another, by all means do so, but be prepared to go to varying lengths to make them work acceptably, and don't be surprised if, on occasion, that is more trouble than it is worth. Trying to convert from one figure to another should never be the preferred option, IMO.