How to create a glowing colored eye "pupil" ?

Good day everyone, I hope that everybody is having a good time doing their cool art in DAZ.

I am still learning new tricks everyday, and having a great time.


I have a question pertaining to the eye "Pupil" (not the colored Iris part) of the Genesis 3 and 8 characters eyes.

Is it possible to make this black inner part in color?

... specially a glowing yellow or red color? 

Perhaps there is a way to paint the color on the models "skin files" to another color(?), or maybe use another method

using DAZ? I am not sure which way to go about it.


I know there is a tutorial around this forum already posted by the artist marcusfinnigon, where an experiment was made (with success) to create

a glowing "pupil" to react brightly when lights shine on the eyes. Sort of like the same effect you often see when a strong light is shone on an animals eyes

at night. --- Here --->


I would like to see the Pupil of the eyes with another color and it being in a permanent state of "shine", not only when a light shines on them.

Like when you see on a cyborg or robots eyes. There are many DAZ-Packs with eye-effects but nothing have colored Pupils.

Does anyone have an idea or a tutorial how to create this effect?


564 x 359 - 427K


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    The pupil has its own material zone, and you can exchange it with a material map of a different colour, and give that and emissive light value.

    But the effect will probably be lost when the character is in broad daylight, similar to a torchlight.

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