Problems with mac os x 64bit

I have a serious problem with simulation setting, when I want to adapt a dress to the body. I work with the mac and when I do that command daz always closes. How can I solve?

Thanks in advance for your reply


  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    What openCL are you using? CPU or GPU, and in case of GPU, which GPU?
    I know there has been some issues with nVidia drivers (some versions) and openCL, and btw, what mac are you using, and what OS X version?


  • Sorry but I do not mean technical performance. I am attaching two images that may perhaps make you understand better.

    The version is 10.10.5

    Schermata 2018-01-26 alle 21.57.55.png
    870 x 664 - 138K
    Schermata 2018-01-26 alle 21.57.55.png
    870 x 664 - 138K
  • Scusa ma non intendo le prestazioni tecniche. Allego due immagini che potrebbero farti capire meglio.

    La versione è 10.10.5

    Schermata 2018-01-26 alle 22.03.27.png
    868 x 671 - 168K
  • where can I find this information?

  • The model is iMac

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited January 2018

    In DAZ Studio Under Simulation Settings...

    Advanced Tab

    727 x 195 - 24K
    Post edited by Totte on
  • I try to check these settings and change them. I will let you know. thank you

  • I did a test by changing the settings and daz did not close. Only after 45 minutes was still 3% of the processing, so I canceled because it was just a test. possible that it takes so long?
    Then to me in the drop-down panel there is no Apple ATI radeon HD-Fire Pro D700 Compute Engine, but I alone Apple Intel (R) CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    I did a test by changing the settings and daz did not close. Only after 45 minutes was still 3% of the processing, so I canceled because it was just a test. possible that it takes so long?
    Then to me in the drop-down panel there is no Apple ATI radeon HD-Fire Pro D700 Compute Engine, but I alone Apple Intel (R) CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz

    Hmm, no GPU openCL engine at all, only CPU? Maybe because you crashed openCL and videodriver crashed. Try to reboot the machine, start DS and see what available openCL devices you have. Can be that your GPU is too weak and crashes due to driver bugs, openCL bugs or something else.


  • Ok. Now it seems that it does not get stuck and does not go out. it took 20 minutes to do its processing. The result is not exceptional. I have to make other attempts. But I thank you, you helped me

  • I tried with genesis 3. I put it with one knee on the ground and the other bent. with one hand he leans on a sword and the other hand on his bent knee. I used a dynamic dress as a test but it came very badly pianto

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    I tried with genesis 3. I put it with one knee on the ground and the other bent. with one hand he leans on a sword and the other hand on his bent knee. I used a dynamic dress as a test but it came very badly pianto

    But it didn't crash though. To get a good result is another thing, trial and error, trial and error, much like rendering itself.

  • Quite right. Thanks, you've helped me. occhiolino

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