I need to create coke fluid



  • ringo monfortringo monfort Posts: 945
    edited December 1969

    otodomus said:
    OK still following your recommendations, I have adjusted the environment lightning, to do brighter the scene, this has resulted in a softer shadows as I couldnt manipulate shadows perse, well here is the result:

    I meant to post before, but couldn't. The forums wouldn't let me for some reason.

    Anyway, you can enable soft shadows in the effects tab of your light. The default light radius is fairly low, so if it's not giving you the results you want, you can increase the radius. The higher you go, the softer the shadow will become the further it extends from the source of the shadow.

    If you use the pull-down menu, you'll notice something called a shadow buffer. This is a simulated soft shadow. It's faster, but it has it's limitations. For one thing, it doesn't respect alphas or transparencies.

    Also may want to try to increase the soft shadow light radius to say 100 ft or 500 ft and gives you a much softer shadow.

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